Bella pulled Harry away to a quiet place. At that moment, Bella told the truth.

“Why did you pull me here?” Harry asked with an annoyed expression.

“Calm yourself... I want to tell you something”

“About what?” Harry asked.

“About that teacher”

“What is it? Does he often say rude things to Lily?” Harry asked, his emotions growing more intense.

Bella nodded, and that made Harry even more emotional.

“What kind of teacher is he? Rude to his students?”

“Actually, Lily was the only one who wasn’t treated well by him.”

“Is it true? Why does he choose? “I have to complain to the school,” said Harry.

“It seems like it’s useless because the teacher is the principal’s younger brother. Lily once complained to the principal but was ignored,” explained Bella.

“Aissh... What’s wrong with this school? Lily doesn’t want to go to school... But do her mother and late father know about this?” Harry asked.
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