Gasps erupted from the crowd at Marlin's words. Marriage? Phoebe?

Every single person in Kingston city knew that Phoebe had already been married and for three long years at that! So why would a Murray try to marry her again?

Marlin was more than aware of this fact but he cared less about a useless man like Seth.

At first, grandma Patterson wanted to speak about it, reminding him that her granddaughter was married, but then again, Seth was a good for nothing man and she ought to consider such fact before speaking.

He had not a pin to his name and he lived off his wife as a useless son in law unlike Marlin Murray who had everything to his name including the fact that he worked for one of the best companies in the whole of Kingston.

"Mrs Patterson, I know this is all too sudden, but I can't just stand by and watch my beautiful and precious waste away in a bondage in the disguise of marriage. I only wish you can give my word a proper consideration before getting back to me."

He gave grandma Patterson a smile which she reciprocated almost in an instant.

"Thank you for accepting my presence and my gift, I would love to stay and merry with you longer but as you know, I am a very busy man. But at your call, I'll come running by."

With that being said, Marlin turned around to leave the hall and flashed Phoebe a smile before he did so.

Not even once did he spare a glance to Seth where he was standing. To him, he was as irrelevant as as a mannequin.

Immediately he left the hall, the people were left in a heated conversation about what had just went down before their eyes and each had a thing of two to put in.

"We need to think about this offer carefully! He is Marlin Murray! A big shot that will help our family rise to power in no time at all!"

"Of course we have to accept this offer, I am pretty sure we are all aware of how much this will help us."

"Being related to the Murray family is not the only benefit that comes with this marriage, as you already know, Marlin Murray is a project manager at chroma creative and the rumors says that one word alone can decide the rise and fall of a small company. This is something definitely worth putting into consideration."

One of Phoebe's cousin then turned to her with a jealous look on her face. "You are so lucky to be chosen even though you are already married Phoebs, I am pretty sure that Marlin would be a better man that Seth can ever be and he'll treat you right. Congratulations."

Phoebe's gaze fell to the ground as she felt speechless. Marriage? She was already married! Why didn't he just go for one of her unmarried cousin's or even her junior sister?

Gloria spoke up just then with her eyes fixed on Seth. "So you say you want a bike Seth."

"Huh?" Seth responded.

"Tell you what, we will buy you a brand new electric bike from the market! Not an old one used by someone else already, just agree to divorce my sister and it's all yours."

"Oh that's true!" Another young lady spoke up. "We'll buy you a bike Seth, we'll take you to the market and have you choose the one that would interest you! Just say the word we want to hear and we'll do it!"

Grandma Patterson raised her hand and they all fell silent. She then turned her attention towards Seth where he stood and decided to make a deal with him. "Seth Rivera, forget the bike, I'll give you five million dollars if you agree to divorce my granddaughter here and now. What do you say to that?"

Gasps could be heard from the hall. They all let out snickers at what grandma Patterson had just said.

"What? Five million dollars?"

"That's more than enough for him to live a comfortable life!"

"I wouldn't be a fool to give it up for a woman."

But Seth didn't feel the same way they did. He stood with his back straight and his hands behind his back as a sign of respect as he spoke.

"Grandma Polly, with all due respect, I will never divorce my wife, not even for five billion dollars."

Grandma Patterson's slightly wrinkled face scrunched into an ugly expression as anger caused her blood to boil. "You are such an ingrate! I can't believe you! In fact! I don't want to see your face! You puny imbecile, you irritate me to the core! Get out of here right now before I ask them to throw you out!"

Seth felt his heart prick at his chest as grandma Patterson's words pierced right though his skin. How could she be so angry that he had chosen her granddaughter over an amount of money?

He hadn't expected such a reaction from her but there was noting he could do anyway. His head bowed from shame and he turned around to leave with the words of the other guest cutting through his skin like a sharp knife.

"Look at him! Who does he think he is? Romeo?"

"Does he even have the spine to die for live?"

"What an irritable ingrate!"

Phoebe took a step forward to reach out to him. "Seth..."

Her grandmother's words however brought her steps to come to a halt.

"If you take another step after that low life bastard then I will banish you from ever stepping foot in any property of the Patterson and you dare not even use our family name as yours." The old woman stated in a cold and icy tone that brought goosebumps to rise on Phoebe's body.

While she was still thinking on the next step to take, Seth said to her without turning around. "Don't come after me, I'll be fine." His tone was cold and lost of all emotions.

He continued his walk to leave the hall but a voice called out to him.

"Oh wait up my dear brother in-law!" Aidan said in a mocking tone. "Grandma, we have to be considerate of his situation sometimes. Poor Rivera doesn't even have a dime on him to take him home and boy is it a far distance to here."

Aidan reached into his pocket and fished out his wallet. "Because I care of his well-being, I shall show this act of kindness." He opened his wallet slightly and slid his finger across the hundreds of dollar bills that were in them until he got to a dollar note.

He took it out and stretched the note for the rest of the Patterson family to see. "I will you give you a dollar for your cab money and no, you do not have to thank me." He threw the money at Seth's face just then. "What are family meant for after all?"

Seth gritted his teeth in anger as his fist curled into a ball of rage. The taunting laughter of the crowd didn't make it any easier for him to keep his anger under control and he stormed out before he might do something he would end up regretting.

Phoebe was left feeling heavy hearted as she watched him leave the hall but it would only be stupid of her to go after him and put them in a worse condition than they were already in.

The night sky was a deep blue with billions of tiny stars twinkling in it. A beautiful to sight to see. The moon shone brightly over the city of Kingston and the fresh wind of approaching winter placed gentle kisses on Seth's skin.

Seth strolled under the beautifully decorated night sky with a lot of thoughts flowing through his mind at first.

The sound of cars made it impossible to get all his thoughts fixed together as he strolled down the walkway of the busy night road.

His hand fell into the depth of his pocket in search for warmth and he left them there for as long ad he walked.

But soon enough, all of his thoughts floated out of his body and into thin air at the exhale of a gentle sigh. For the first time in a while, he felt like a man free of troubles.

He could enjoy feeling like that forever, as a free man with no worries. But nothing ever lasts forever, not even serenity or peace.

His phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket and he dipped his hand into it to fish it out. As he took the phone close to his face to see whom had texted him, a frown sat on his face as he read the text.

"Mr Rivera, chroma creative is having a crisis at the moment and there is no one to help. We need you to save the company before it crumbles to the ground."

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