It was a message from the Rivera family and this caused a frown to sit on his face.

Seth was born with a golden spoon, he was destined for greatness as he became the heir to the greatest conglomerate family in the entirety of Kingston city.

He served with diligence to one day take over chroma creative as the chairman but things turned upside down father quickly.

He was accused of fraud and embezzlement of funds and the entire family didn't care to make proper investigations before they cut him off of his rights as heir.

As if that wasn't punishment enough for him, they decided to ban him from their clan and sent him into the street without a penny to his name.

Even though he tried to explain himself and open their eyes to the truth, none of them cared to hear what it was he had to say.

None of them cared if he would die or live on the streets and even his own parents flew out of the country without looking back.

He hadn't set his eyes on them ever since that day and neither did he hear from them. How could his own parents not even care to know if truly he was guilty or not and just leave him on the dangerous street to die?

The terrible torture he was faced with on the street still came back to haunt him sometimes and not only in his dreams bit reality too.

At a second beep, it was only then he realized it to be his old phone which he used when he was still part of their clan.

Sometimes he wondered why he still held on to it. Perhaps because it was the only thing he had left to remind him of his dignity.

He clicked the message and read through it. "Mr Rivera, please, the company is desperately in need of someone to fund it or it might actually fall to rubble! You have to help us!"

He let out a scoffed laugh. Were they sending such messages to tease him or mock his status? How could he fund the company when they chased him away with nothing?

All he had in his pocket was three bucks!

He was about to tuck the phone back into his pocket when another message came in again. "Mr Rivera, the family is truly indebted to you. We did make our findings after you left and we found out you invested the funds into a project."

It was a huge sum of money but he felt the project might come to aid them later in the future which was why he did it.

As the heir of the family, they should have listened to his reasons instead of just tossing him out like a used up napkin.

The message still continued. "Now there is a lot of income from it and only you can access it and help the family. Please, our investors have already left us and we are afraid to fall. Mr Rivera, be considerate enough to help us."

"Wait hold on," Seth said out loud as HD scrolled back up in the text to the place where they mentioned his incomes from the project he invested in.

As a co-owner of the project, his own shares had always been deposited into his account for the past three years now and if he were to calculate it then... "No fucking way!" He exclaimed.

He dipped his hand into his pocket and took out his wallet. A black card laid hidden inside it and he fished out before dialing the customer care line written on the card.

The black card was said to be a sign of greatness and one could get whatever, wherever in the world as long as he owned an ultimate black card. He had abandoned the card for three long years!

"I would like to check my account balance right now!"

He heard a beautiful lady's voice speak to him from the other side of the phone. "Thank you for calling us, if you could please hold on for a minute." The lady said to him in a polite and gentle voice.

He waited patiently for a few seconds only to hear a gasp on the other side of the phone. "Is there a problem?"

Her voice suddenly faltered. "Mr Rivera... the amount in your account is too big for me to have access to. It has been made into confidential information so I have to meet with our chairman. If you'll allow me a few minutes Sir then I'll get back to you."

"Alright no problem."

Seth hung up. He couldn't help the smile that worked its way to his face. His account balance was too big so it had been made a confidential information?

He let out a chuckle. Never did he think the profit would be so huge when he invested a few millions into the project three years ago.

Seth's mood had brightened up completely as he made his way home. Phoebe had been long home by the time he got back.

He walked into the living room of his apartment and his eyes landed on three beautiful ladies.

Melanie was a slim yet curvy lady with beautiful red hair and a cute smile to add to her beautiful features. Her beauty though was bought with money and a lot of it at that.

Gem was a chubby lady with full breasts and sexy features. Her curves were always one to get easy attention whenever she walked and she couldn't ask for anything more.

Her black long hair was let loose over her body and her plum lips pouted when she saw Seth walk in.

Both ladies sat on each side of Phoebe as they chatted away. Their beauties were never ones to measure up to that of Phoebe's though with her elegant and effortless beauty.

The three of them paid no attention to him as he walked across the living room to get to the stairs and they just continued with their conversation.

"Phoebs, how are you going to save your company now?" Gem asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I really don't know what to do. The only solution to save my company from falling into a crisis or worse crumbling to the ground is to find ten million dollars." Phoebe replied wearily as she rubbed her temples.

"How did your company even fall into such a crisis in the first place? With only that solution on our hands, how are we going to find ten whole million dollars in such a short amount of time?!"Melanie questioned with a sigh.

"I really don't know... I don't know what I'm going to do..." Phoebe's eyes looked up and met with Seth's where he was standing.

Anger caused her blood to boil as she stared at him, he had made a fool of her at Grandma Patterson's birthday earlier and caused her to be an object of ridicule to her family. "What are you doing just standing there? Why don't you just make yourself useful and make dinner or something. Just get out of my sight!" She growled angrily at him.

Seth nodded his head and continued walking but his phone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket and immediately answered it when he realized it to be the bank attendant.

"Mr Rivera, we apologize for every inconvenience this might cost you but your presence will be needed as your funds have been transferred to an offshore account. You will have to come and check the balance yourself."

"Why does it have to be so much trouble just to check the balance of an offshore account?"

The lady attendant apologized and with that, he hung up.

He heard Phoebe's friends break into laughter. "Does he even know the meaning of an offshore account?" Melanie asked.

Phoebe rolled her eyes. "Please ignore him, he must have thought it meant a normal account when he heard me say it last week. With all the hundred dollars I give you everyday then you really must have a fortune by now since it's been three years." She sneered.

Her friends chorused another laugh. "Wow, you really are very kind to even give him that much but then again, I guess one has to take care of her pet doesn't she?"

"You're right Melanie." Gem responded amidst a laugh.

Seth stormed towards them with his brows furrowed. "Phoebe, you said your company is currently in debt and you need ten million dollars... Let me help you raise the money."

"Ha!" Gem laughed hysterically. "You? Where do you plan on getting ten million dollars in only a few days?"

"Stop wasting our time and get out of our sight you useless piece of trash, you could never do it!" Melanie exclaimed coldly.

"And what if I can?" Seth arched his brow.

"If you happen to raise the money for her then I'll get on my knees and call you daddy!" Gem stated with a serious expression on her face.

"Oh this is interesting. Just don't back down on your words when the time comes." Seth responded with a smirk.

"Look at you talking so confidently like you can actually pull it off! What a fool! Do you think I am like you to actually back down on my word?" Gem said ignorantly.

"Who exactly do you think you are, little puppy? You couldn't even raise ten dollars on your own but yet here you are boasting about ten million dollars!" Melanie backed up her friend.

The hatred they had for Seth was on a whole new level and they pitied their friend that she was tied down in a marriage with someone so useless.

His good looks were all he had to himself but they wouldn't even give him that too because they believed there were other men out there more handsome than he was even though they were yet to meet one.

Not even Marlin Murray could stand as a competitor with him and Marlin was very handsome.

Phoebe groaned. "Stop embarrassing yourself and just go! Haven't you mocked yourself enough for one day?"

"Fine then." With that being said, Seth left the living room without further arguments and went to the kitchen to make dinner for his wife.

He needed not to argue with them any further, it was a challenge and he had accepted it already.

They just wait and see what'll happen.

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