CHAPTER 1. A journey of a twinkle of an eye


The heaven's roared with thunder and lightning decorated the sky as a figure fell out from the sky at high speed onto the earth, the crash sound can be heard 2 miles away even with the heavy rain.

Azartet groaned in pain as he was holding the side of his waist Wich was covered with blood pouring out like a loose pump , "I will not die as long as i draw breath I shall have my revenge " azartet murmured under his breath while standing up.

He walked over a short distance before he fell down weakly to the ground and a tiny light yellow sparkling dusts made thier way out from his chest, he died.

Azartet was one of the greatest soldiers of Zion , trained all his life as an Angel and demon killer, he has never know of the planet called earth or any other inhabitable planet.

Zion was the only place he knew and called home, apart from his universe about 1200light years away,

Thank you narrator I will take it from here.

Zion was an invisible city hovering over the planet unopia , it was hiding in it's orbits as the planet was a mysterious planet as the population of Zion termed it , Zion was a city of technology far way ahead of Earth's technologies.

I heard a swoosh of wind as I could barely my eyes,

It was a 163 years journey as the pilots and every one on the ship where still in cryo sleep.

After Zion (our ship) descended on unopia, I was the only one awake but few minutes later the other crew members started to wake up too, seems like I set my own timer to be few minutes earlier than others.

After Zion descended on unopia, the crew of the ship found out that unopia was just as our systems described it to be, unopia was a quit beautiful planet with it's sun still young and oxygen levels of about 82%,

The oxygen was mostly produced by it's moon and it's gravity was 3× of that of Earth's, it was indeed a very beautiful planet with it's rain and everything Earth's could give, unopia gave double.

After 2weeks of decent I and other crew of Zion settled and began exploring the planets carefully we divided ourselves in groups as we set out to explore unopia, but unknowingly to us not all that glitters is gold.

Unopia still has its own dinosaur's still wandering the planet, just that in this case it was not the dinosaur's on earth but rather something far worst, these creatures were almost 40feet tall but even with thier hugeness they were quick and they fly too.

They had a skin 20 times thicker and strong than that of an elephant's, and eyes positioned at the corner of thier skulls as it enables them to see at the angle of 360.

These creatures where canivourous as the had almost eaten all the species on unopia, and now the Zions crew came just add more to the table.

2 days into the exploration mission something terrible happened, 3 teams of Zion crew stopped communicating to us through the radio, at first we and other teams thought it was as a result of signal lost due to far distance but it was not.

The crew that went missing where the first to encounter these creatures and there where unfortunate, after 2 more days another team ( the omega team ) lost comms and this time the remaining last 2 teams Wich was alpha (our team and beta, we became suspicious and decided to go back,

But just as we where about to abort the exploration, we too encountered these creatures and our team scattered in fear as everyone ran in different directions.

7 out of the 2 teams made it to Zion including me, as others it appeared the creatures did to them what we suspected it would have done to the others too.

Unfortunately we lost our captain and I was the senior mission director among the 8 survivors, and our crew where made up of 3 males and 5 females

Just before we could even think of what happened out there and how the exploration was cut short by those creatures, we hard the ground thudding as it usually happens when elephant are running, but this Time it was these creatures and they where faster than elephants,

We knew it was going to be over if we don't get Zion 50feet into the sky, but luckily for for us the ship's engines where still running, as a big ship like that it won't make sense to be turning it off and on like a car.

But the problem was who would give the order, by right and recognition I was second in charge but I was still in shock of what was about to happen

Quickly the crew assembled themselves in the lunch bay and took positions in their seats, but with the speed the creatures where coming at, they knew they would be hit and the only way was to hyper lunch the ship which they haven't done before, (operation evac)

An order was needed to give the operation a go.

I gave the order and the ship gathered enough trust and just before the creatures could hit the ship, it took of at a hyper speed and in 0.004secs they where in the planets orbit.

And as the reached the planets orbit the ship stopped and the crew took a heavy breath of relief as they nearly escaped death, but as they where still getting themselves the captain snapped them out of thier thoughts, and for the first time thier names where reveled .

SKILN the ship's pilot 4 was a light skinned young teenage boy from Australia, who was contracted by the united organisation of operation Zion (UOPN)

DEREK was the ship's captain an American navy seal from Nigeria, he was dark in complexion and very muscular with a short hair ,and was also contracted by the UOPN to join the project. Well that was, me since the captain role was transferred to me by due recognition

SAINT she was the most beautiful in the ship with a body of an angel, blonde hair and a nice shape she was from Poland and she was a fighter jet pilot, and the ship's pilot 2 .

SHILA the ship's engineering department coordinator, he is a young handsome teenager from Hawaii studied astro physics and aerodynamics before being contracted by UOPN .

SHEN was a nurse in the technical institute of health technologies she has a dark hair and dark skin from Kenya, she was the only medic among the survived crew.

LYNA was not an engineer neither a doctor or nurse, she was a normal girl who the only skill she had was she was good in writing reports, she wanted to be a journalist before the the Zion mission but it seemed the universe had a different task for her.

Me and her met 2weeks before the mission took off and we became friends, so close that one would think we where dating, and when the crew were being contracted, I convinced the agency that she could prove a great asset to the mission and some touch of lies so that she could go too.

The other 5 girls will be introduced later in the coming chapters as events unfolds that leads to the fight scene at the beginning of this chapter........

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