The unknown gift

I and the crew sourced ways to survive after it has been almost a month of living in the orbits of unopia,

Everything was manageable as we had plans to impregnate the females so that they can reproduce, or that was the plan as it was still in consideration, but that was cut short when a space hole tore out of nowhere and with a lightning speed an object with the speed 20× that of lightning, struck the ship destroying the A.C compressor engines, what hit us I shouted.

Shyla punched a few buttons on of the screens on her desk ,

"Sir seems like we have been hit by a cosmic supersonic meteorite" she said

"And where did it come from" I asked a bit nevious

Sir I don't know but from the sec-cam (security camera ) it looks like a human Sir,

"Saint! Shyla and skiln go check it out" I was nevious as to whether we are in danger or what "take your said " I said to saint as she almost pressed the elevator button that will take down to the engine room

"Copy!!". replied the trio as they headed towards the engine room, the ship was quite except for the blaring of the emergency alarms.

As they approached cautiously towards the engine room, the sound of a faint grunt can be heard from the room as of someone who is in pain.

They carefully opened the door into the room, and quickly the human who crash landed into there ship stood up and maintained a fighting position as he saw the three crew with weapons, meanwhile I was observing from the sec-cam

"Who are you" shouted the alien slowly whilst holding his waist as blood can be seen making their way out of his body from what looks like an arrow wound, as the other end was stuck in his body.

He suddenly groaned in pain and sat down while the crew advanced forward slowly towards him.

Skin pointed the mouth of his Glock towards the alien"who are you ?" He asked but he was already weak to speak as his eyes can be seen closing slowly, that was when i spoke for the comms. "bring him to the medic bay"

"Copy" the crew responded while carrying the alien out,

"What or who the hell is that " saint asked while making a face of a confused child, "who are you asking" Shila said standing up from his lunch desk, "I think we should all be asking the alien all this questions maybe when he wakes am going to sleep it's past 12" he said as the elevator door closes,

"Am about to go to bed, please can someone update me when the alen wakes " Shen spoked while rubbing her eyes and heading towards the elevator,

"Wait who did you just call alen" Shila asked confused "or did you just gave the alien a name ?"

"Omg Shila he is an alien and I shortened it instead of calling him alien it looks weird so I call him alen. Since he looks like a human" well that's crazy Shila said while rubbing his chin

The Zion crew can be seen leaving the lunch deck, i was still sitting watching the alien from the sec-cam in the med bay, after waiting for about another 30 mins he took became weak as I left the deck to my dorm.

Only Lyna remained behind as she always does, checking and making sure everything is in other before returning to her dorm, after she was done she decided to head to the medic bay to observe alen before heading to her dorm .

As she approached the med bay she noticed that alen has changed his sleeping position, she wanted to go into the room where alen was but she thought, "am not the one who should be in charge of this thing Shen should"

"But look it's always Lyna who stays bay to cross check everything while they all are sleeping". She said almost mumoring "I think am going to get some coffee before I go to bed "

LYNA headed towards the coffee machine, after getting the coffee she took a sit at the ship's balcony looking out towards the planet unopia, through the 2 feet titanium glass window preventing the solar radiation and depletion of the ship's oxygen,

Indeed the years it took to build the ship was worth it, just as Lyna was thinking and imagining all that she heard a loud sound from the lunch deck, she checked the time "who could it be, it's almost 3 am " as she went down to the lunch deck but as the elevator passed the med bay she looked through the clear glass of the elevator to see that alen was no longer there,

"What the heck? Lyna said drawing out her side arm ", as the elevator approaches the lunch deck, the door opens Lyna was praying that it should be one of the crews that was inside but instead a blast of lightning zapped towards Lyna, she could feel the life fading from her eyes as darkness sets in , but just before she dropped sher manage to hit the emergency alarm.

Lyna's body was laying on the ground as blood found it's way out of her shoulder.

I was the first to rush down only to see that (alen) was trying to operate the ship or rather pilot the ship,

I drew my side arm and fired towards alen but instead the bullet just hit the air and dropped just like as if there is a force field and in a matter of secs another bolt of lightning zapped towards me but I bent sharply as the lightning hit the elevator door,

Just as i turned to take another shot , another lightning bolt headed towards me again and i dodged the strike again but this time saint was unlucky as the lightning hit her before she could draw her Glock (side arm) ,

She rushed down as soon as she heard the alarm but her dorm is 2 floors above mine

As i saw the bolt hit saint I screamed and rushed towards her but she was.......

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