As the bolt of lightning hit saint i rushed towards her but she was already out, I somehow swiftly deactivated the ship's gravity and that made alen who was unaware of it to be thrown off balance, and it gave me a split second window to fire,

Immediately i shot alen with the tranquilizer, in a matter of minutes he was out, Lyna's faint breathing could be heard as she tried to open her eyes,

I rushed towards her "are you ok ?" I asked holding the particular position in which she was bleeding.

"What happened after I was out.. aahhh" she winced in pain as she touched her shoulder, "the super boy went rogue, he he tried to take our ship " i said helping Lyna up.

"We need to get u to the med bay, comon I will carry you " I said helping her.

Just then Shen was seen coming down with the elevator with her side arm, "and what where you doing up? Or didn't you heard the noises as our life was on the line down here" I found myself shouting, "infact where are others? I will have answers later take saint to the med bay too and be quick about it".

"Roger " she replied while carrying saint on a mobile stretcher,

"Everybody bed time is over come out from your bunkers and dorms, I need everyone in the war room now" i shouted with anger over the comms.

10 minutes later the whole crew where seated at the war room, but Lyna and saint were absent, "we all know the reason I called for this meeting " i spoke seating at the front edge of the AI glass table or screen.

"It appears that the alien which crash landed on our ship appears not to be friendly, few hours ago he attacked two of our crew almost killing them, that is not the important part.." I said fuming anger, "non of you here heard the emergency alarm that sounded? You all mean to tell me that if Lyna hadn't sound the emergency alarms we would be probably sleeping.

"Or maybe our ship would have been in the control of some space alien and probably we would have been in hyper speed jump by now millions of light years away from earth? .

"Am asking you all a question " i slammed the glass table screen with anger writing all over his face.

"I will have answers as to what made you all to feel less concerned on the incident that happened " the whole crew was quiet as they have never seen me so angry like this before, for over 5 minutes nobody was talking or even raised a hand to say anything.

I thought either they where afraid to talk or what.. "listen to me I have no time talk more of wasting it, everyone no more sleep go to your work stations, from today I am going to be appointing 2 or more people that will stay back for night watch" and With this i departed the table and few seconds later the crew followed behind.

I headed over to the med bay level 04 where alen was restrained with chains and sleeping on a bed, the tranquilizer was going to be effective for 4 hours and it was remaining 20 minutes before the tranquilizers will loose effectiveness and he will probably could wake up.

This time i prepared him and 6 crew members where fully armed with lethal weapons and i set a timer, as at the of the 20 minutes just as predicted alen was slowly or barley moving his eyes.

Alen slowly opened his eyes to see the crew surrounding him and pointing guns at him, he tried to jack up but the chains restrained him, "of what cause am I bound to a mattress " Alen spoke, to whole crew where surprised as his words where ancient tongue.

I was still keeping a straight face looked like I cared less about his way of speaking, "why did you attack us? And why did you try to take the ship? Who are you? Even after you crashed the into our ship we fixed you up and the moment you woke up you almost sent two of my crew to the after life.

My face could be seen bubbling in anger. "I bear the name azartet and am from a different universe, far away from here, I came here not of my own knowledge or willing, please do not be enraged of what I have done, It appeared to me like you where still the beings I was still fighting that was why I attacked, apologies.

"Nah I won't accept an apology I want you off this ship as soon as you we release you" I said with anger writing all over his face, "I can't accept this 2 of my crew life are barely hanging and here you are just apologizing "

"Captain I will leave your ship I understand my actions and what it has caused you but I grieve them" alen said looking at me, alen kept thinking of where to go after leaving the ship knowing he messed up, he doesn't know this universe quite well if there are any dwellable planets close, his only hope was the place he found himself.

"I make an offer I will fix your ship and other damages I have caused in exchange for shelter and food " alen proposed.

"I do not accept your offer my crew are on the brink of death your offer won't help them .

"Boss perhaps we should calm down, we know he hurt them but sir he is also afraid of leaving I think he doesn't know to go given the fact that he is not even of this universe, and he can be if help too I know his presence might appear threatening to our life's but he can be our powerhouse, having one super boy on your crew isn't a bad idea if he can promise to guide himself "

That was a deep worth considering idea my crew gave me, I reasoned it.

Okay fine you will be allowed to stay here and be one of our crew maybe we can need your help fixing what u destroyed.

"Thanks master I appreciate your kind gesture, of good behavior I will show forth from this day" he said

Umm please don't call me master call me Zain...

Alen eye balls grew a bit larger out of surprise, sorry sir I do not seem to think you said Zain or is it? He asked.

What kind of question is that my name is Zain do you have any problem with that I asked feeling intimidated

"No this is confusing you cannot be Zain master because Zain was the one I was sent to kill...."

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