What do you mean you where sent here to kill me, that does not look like a funny joke if you are trying to make one .

"Zain Sinclair " you are a chaos to the universe 13years from now the year 2013, I don't know how it happened or what happened but one way or another you became one of the most powerful human or super being known across the universe,

you caused chaos and blamed the gods of the universe for the near extinction of your planet, you abandoned your crew,

left them to survive somehow and they where just making what seamed to be unpredictable (random) jumps in space time , hoping to stumble across a habitable world until they encountered danger, an anti life civilization imprisoned them. And....

Please am gonna have to tell you to pause please, "what does he mean by that ,not allowing him to finish ?" I can hear one of the crew members murmur.

First please what do you mean I became the most strongest or powerful person in the universe and abandoned my people, killed some random gods or blamed and maybe what next did some abominations??

No you are wrong I would never do such a thing I can't even believe this, I walked out of the med bay and headed to the control room "no this can't be .

with what he said my crew members are gonna loose trust in me " I can't even think straight as I kept pondering all this in my heart .

"Sir can I have a moment with you " Saint said opening the door slightly ,

Yeah come in , I ordered Saint in

"Sir I don't know honestly we all are dumbfounded as you right now but sir for you to be the deputy captain for sergeant Derek I think it was no mistake.

I do not know about the future or what it holds but it can be based on possibilities , millions of possibilities many out of the millions might not be as predicted.... Sir you where taught all this in training you know about that better than I do , she said raising her tone a little bit.

Yes it's true but it's scary I can't live with myself if I don't place the life of my crew members above mine , of what good captain will I be then , did you hear the part he said you were all kidnapped by an alien or what anti life civilization ??

Maybe what If it was an alternate reality of possibility, Wich I don't know even if there is an alternate reality..... Ahh I can't think straight anymore, "sir you need rest , can I make a suggestion? Sir "

Yes whatever it is Saint go on .

"Sir take a 30 mins time out and come back,call the crew together let's discuss this without alen Among us, we still can't trust him at the moment.

That's a good suggestion but am in no mood for rest I will summon the whole team, tell everyone to gather together at the discussion table in 10mins, of course they already should know why they are being summoned.

"Copy captain but please sir use the ten minutes to not overthink , maybe just have a short rest sir"

Ok that advise I can take, thanks Saint,

In ten minutes time all Zion crew where gathered I could feel small tension in my legs as it was like I couldn't trust my leg to carry my body again,

I waved it off and sat down.

We all gathered here must have heard what the stranger said or alen sorry for using a stranger because soon he might become one of our crew members.

According to him, he said in 13years from now I will turn evil and kill people and do all sort of things, evil things.

I do not know if what he said is true or if he was lying or like a friend told me maybe it might be a possibility that will never happen, but regardless I...."I looked at them all I don't see a sign of disgust or hate for what I just said "

I want to remind you all and not just as a captain, we all are family but in a case where something like that should happen what do we do ??

I think I should resign as captain to not put or endanger the life's of my fellow crew members.

"What you can't say something like that it's unacceptable sir , it's not easy changing a captain and we are only 8 who else is qualified to do this except you sir" Shila said sitting down after she was done speaking.

The other crew members chatted in way that seemed The are in accordance with what she said.

So what is the solution to the problem on the table now how do we prevent this future madness, I asked

"Sir I think we should consult him again I mean alen ,

Besides he was saying something and it appeared he was cut short and we will ask him for any other way to prevent this without him stopping you (killing you) and you resigning. Ada said looking or keeping an assuring face.

That was a good idea I thought without knowing when my mood changed, it was Saint who gently tapped me to call back my consciousness.

Ok I will consult him again and find out the full story and if there is any possibility to prevent the upcoming crisis,

Everyone agreed to the opinion or any objections let's know, but it looked like everyone was pretty sure satisfied , as that brought to the end of the meeting.

I dismissed everyone, it was almost 10 pm and sleep time, I went to my dorm laid on my bed and his voice (alen) was replaying in my head I couldn't even sleep,

I came out of my room and decided to Head to the med bay to check on Lyna, as I entered the elevator I was still thinking when one of the crew members joined me it was Oliver, he was a good and always following orders kind of person,

He sensed the distress in my face,"captain don't over think everything I can bet my life on it that we are safe under you sir "

Well that's assuring Oliver atleast I would always make you all safety my first priority in any giving situation.

The elevator stopped and Oliver stepped out, two floors down the elevator door sound chimed to show that I was to be joined by someone but...

I was surprised to see who walked in ....

It was Alen I was kind of scared as to have a super man inside the elevator with you but I was mostly calm on the outside no one would notice I was a bit scared.

"All I have said is true" alen spoke now facing me like in a challenging position.

"With all due respect sir I don't think any of your crew understood all I meant , even you sir" cause if you do you should know you won't be stepping out of this elevator alive (alen said )..

Wait what........ My brain trying hard to process his last statement, just then I knew that ,

I was ......

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