I slightly brought out the teaser gun I was holding because it was the only weapon of defense I had with me, I held it firmly ready to defend myself against the super boy who looks like he is gonna strangle the life out of me.

Though he could do that but I was just praying this situation doesn't end up that way,

I managed to find my voice to ask him , what do you mean,

I was even planning on coming to you so that you can tell me the whole story since I kind of cut you short back there.

"You defied and caused imbalance amongst planets and the whole universe in total, the only way we could stop you was if we could kill you while you still haven't gotten your powers " he said.

The way he spoke I knew he was speaking the truth" honestly I don't know how to do that I thought this would be easy reasoning with you but it appears not ,

Wait wait you said you were sent here to kill me or something like that but it looked like you crashed out of a position turn in space.

I could remember that day , we saw lightning flashing about 200 meters above us it was scary as we never thought we could see lightning strike in space, it was only on earth that such happens.

And just then it was like a hole tore in up in the particular position the lightning were striking and inside the hole was like a white or should I say it looked like heaven but we couldn't look Long enough as you fell out from the hole and as fast as a bolt of lightning what next i could here was the sound of alarms.

It was like as if we were hit by 20,000TNT worth of fire work or you can say atomic bomb, most of my crew where knocked out and when we can down to the engine room alas it was a man that made a damage like that ,

We took you to the med bay it was even hard to stabilize you , few days you woke up and out of fear you attacked us almost rendering two of my crew lifeless...

Atleast that's from my point of view, I said looking deep into his eyes as he kind of felt bad about it.

"Am sorry about that I guess you didn't see what happened behind the hole crack in space .

"I was among the glorious ones who defended and protected the universe, against threats and other things, we take different forms and shape as we have encountered different types of species and life across the universe.

"Planets die, worlds end it's a natural thing, but when yours died you decided to blame the masters of the creation , like I said I never knew how you got your powers and how you found us "

Because when I found out what was happening it was too late you have already killed the 6 glorious ones I was the last remaining before you could attack the masters,

You killed the 6th one on earth but as he died we up there received the smoke of his end, me and the masters thought of millions of ways to stop you, but the shortness of the time made it impossible to stop you as we didn't even know your full plans.

We then found out that you where from earth when you and the 6th glorious fought,

We figured that no earthling grew up having powers the only thing your species poses is knowledge so we decided that the only way to stop you was to send someone back in time to stop you probably when you where still on earth.

And I was the last warrior,

The masters and i where about to create a warmhole that will send me back in time,

You appeared and with speed much faster than the speed of darkness you where about to stab one of the masters I saw this because I was as fast as you too , I threw my sword which stroked your shoulder, Left one probably and the you missed but still got him slightly on the arm ,

The masters haven't set the position or direction of where the other side or the other end of the warm hole was to appear in time , but they told me to walk in and anywhere I found myself I should be able to make it to the right place and time in the universe, that they believed in me .

With the little window of opportunity that was already closing I was about to walk in,

When I noticed you where at my back flying towards me I siezed my breath to pause time, and escape with maximum speed but I was shot with a strong bolt of lightning as it looks like you have already shot before I could pause time.

The lightning got me and hit me into the warm hole as I was still in the warm hole I saw you kill one of the masters.

Before my eyes slowly closed but when I opened them I was in your ship...

A long silence was created between us ,

The sound chiming of the elevator door was what jolted us both back to reality from each other's thought.

Wait there is something wrong the whole puzzle doesn't fit, we are in 3063 currently so this happened long long ago in the past we left earth 2020, that's 164 years ago and we where in cryogenic sleep ,

Does that mean???... Am confused here does it mean it happened in the past?? But if it happened in the past The why was it me ?

I was still a child in 2013.

" No something is not right did I jump into the future instead of the past or did I... Wait another reality??? It can't be " alen was mumbling a bit loudable

Wait!! Do you know what happened in 2013 ? You said it was when I attack right? Where were the glorious warriors then or what was the state of the universe then?? I asked him

Am sorry to ask this but who was the first warrior I umm ... umm killed,

"It was senyra and xea they were on a mission to flexicove a heavily populated star system he said.

You were already creating and causing havoc among the stars they wanted to secretly investigate that star system because it was heard that you where on flexicove, but you got to them before they could figure out your plan you killed her only xea who escaped told the masters what happened and....... Ok wait hold on I stopped him ,

You just said xea survived and escaped right? And flexicove was a populated star system?"Yes that's true "

Good I rushed out the elevator and he followed me behind a bit confused

I went to the lunch deck and saw Lyna she was already up and out of the med bay "wow thank goodness you alright " I said .

You have missed a lot I will fill you in along the way, Saint can we make a jump?? "What? A jump am a bit confused what's wrong ?? " She asked.

Where is skiln Shyla and shen please tell them to report to the lunch deck and come with them too , I ordered Saint,

She looked confused but I almost didn't notice as my attention was on Lyna who just recoverd.

Few minutes later she returned with them, I didn't waste time to ask them if we could make a jump to the past "captain what's wrong??" They replied in unison "why are we making a jump to the past it's been almost a year we made a jump and it was a long one Captain making a jump won't be that easy and simple you know that captain"

Skiln said sitting down and punching the buttons on the computer, ok look I found a way to find out what happened in 2013 according to him it was when I attacked,

We are going to the past.....

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