All crew members report to your stations in the next 2 hours we will be making a jump, I said over the comms.

"Captain! going back in time we have not tried that before, I don't even know if it's possible " skiln said almost making her face appear like she is hopeless, am sure Zion can take us back in time .

Shen check and map out the position of a star system called flexicove ,"aye cap" she said, Shila go, take some crew with you make sure our engines are stable and is the repair done yet?? I asked him

Yes we were about to suggest to you to move the ship around a bit (a test drive probably) to test the engines,

Well you are sure it's fixed right? cause no need of moving the ship around my brother, we are making a long journey with it.

"Ok sir I will go check on it for the last time " he said , good Lyna what's our stats on oxygen and supplies it's going to be a long trip.

"Our oxygen levels are infinite we have a little to a plantation of specific plants that produces oxygen in a faster rate and a little pond with planktons on it to help generate o² all are in the biology DPT LEVEL" okay good about supplies??

"We are able to engineer our foods sir and grow some Wich are majorly fruits and they are helping us manage it should be enough as long as we eat then turn the wastes to in-organic fertilizer , with the 30% level of co² In the ship and biologically generated chlorophyll I say the plants are pretty much healthy.

Okay then my brothers and sisters.... "Captain!! I was cut short by shen,

we found the star system " Shen said displaying the coordinates on the flat table screen, good well done Shen, just as was about talking our attention deviated to the elevator Wich opens and it was Alen who came in.

You said you wanted to be a crew right? I asked him "yes but what is going on " he asked confused,

we are going to the past that's where the answer is , "wait do you mean you are going to the past ?? Is it to find the other you? when you already said u never existed in such place because you where still a child according to your story isn't that it? what are you doing Sinclair " he asked feeling accurate .

Well you are wrong now listen all, there is an 80% chance that it was not me who did all that killings and massacre I am thinking there is another reality and the other me might have slipped from that reality somehow maybe confusing it for his own and that's why he tried to destroy ours so if you where trying to make a jump to the past and mistakenly went to the future and encountered another version of me then it is possible that the other version is in this reality I explained to them ,

With the look on their faces I knew they were confused except alen who spoke up

"I think it's you that is confused I think I might have jumped to the wrong reality in Wich you are a good person because if the two of you exist in one universe the other will be glitching.

The universe will try to eliminate one of you probably it should have been you because the other you has powers so you are the weaker version of him , that means you should have died long time ago ,

"Look Sinclair I think the culprit Is in another reality, he continued. but the problem is there are many realities out there not only one,

Ok look I think I have an idea , you can create a warmhole right? I asked alen, "It took I and the masters tremendous amount of energy to create one " I think I told you.

Yes but that was because it was a long trip according to what I will figure out in this our mission I will also find out if you made a jump from the past or from an entirely different reality where maybe x-sinclair is from .

"Whose x-sinclair again " Shen asked feeling like she is being left out of the discussion.

Am Zain Sinclair and the evil me should be x-sinclair, we Mark our subject with the x alphabet, "but we didn't name alen here x alen or x azartet ... What's with all this maths my brain might go up in flames" she said jockingly while making a face and calling me Einstein.

I appreciate the name I said with a smile appearing on the side of my mouth ,

Okay what I was saying or suggesting was that it was a long trip which required such an amount of energy but in this case we will first go to the past 2013 to flexicove since it's location is in this universe we can make to there with Zion then when we are there....

"You want me to then trace your aura and know the Sinclair that is in that particular place and point in time but in a different reality and then since the x-sinclair should also be on flexicove but in another reality then it should be a short jump if we locate the target, since it's the same location and point in time but different reality " alen explained further .

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" Shen shouted admist amusement am happy but is this some kind of brain competition?? And why are u repeating yourself alen?? She asked, I didn't even notice that , see ?? You are catching on too , I told her while laughing.

Ok it's almost time everyone to the lunch deck and engine rooms please, I said over the comms ...

Alright skiln , Shen and Lyna all took there sits on the lunch desk ready to fire up the ship , I went to stand on the captain platform with my own on computers too, alen who didn't know how things used to be was confused as we where taking positions .

"Alright you mister alen take a sit at the back and engage the sit belts " Shen said .

Location confirmation?




Supplies check

Ships stability?


Alright crew let's go get x-sinclair,

In 5, 4, 3, .... The ship's engines where turned on and all the lunch systems came online.... 2, shen and skiln where ready to punch the red button together.

1 , and in split second Zion zoomed out of unopia's orbits only a straight line of lightning could be seen as we where going about 50% the speed of light.

Alright are we stabile enough to make a jump?? "No sir we need to reach 100% speed of light in other to do that " Lyna replied, alright more power!!!! ,

Our ship could be rarely seen as we where going 99% speed of light, sir I think we are good alright set course for 2013 flexcove , "captain we already got that " alright punch it, ....

Only lighting zapping with speed across the galaxy was what showed that we where going full speed of light but in a second a cloud formed and the light trace was gone,

we where now flying in time , our computers almost glitching because of the speed and the ship shaking vigorously we had to brace ourselves tight,

Alright everyone it's time for cryo-mode (cryogenic sleep ) and Lyna pressed a button , our sits formed like a box or coffin sealing us Inside and water leaked into the box covering our bodies both our faces , in 4 minutes 23 secs the water that covered in turned to ice, freezing us inside.

This happened to all crew members, in other to prevent us from ageing. Only alen who remained concious throughout the trip ......

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