164, 163, 162 ,161, ..........

That was the readings on the computer as they traveled through time, alen found the ship's manual, and read it , it took him months to master some basic controls in the ship and how to routinely check each cryo-pods and making sure all basic things where operating normal on the ship.

Fast-forward... To arrival on flexicove.

The ship, on it's arrival on flexicove , displayed on the screen and a count down of 5 minutes began as the cryo-pods increased temperature and melted down the freezed liquid over thier bodies,

Each crew member's pod rised vertically, all this happening before the count down reached zero and on the zero mark the whole crew woke up .

Immediately I work up from the pods I went to the bathroom to take a shower because I was smelling mixed chemical and what I don't know,

After that other crew members also went for cleanup and all reassembled at the dinning deck, alright now we are on flexicove we are about to make a jump or should I say slip into another reality.

Alen will open a warmhole or portal into the exact reality we are slipping into, it shouldn't take an hour and once we are there, since flexicove is a populated star system we are going to disguise as interstellar travelers, so that we can get docking permit from the port...

"That's not how flexicove is, alen said" cutting me short, "flexicove is so populated that ship's or large vessels are just parked and stationed in the sub-planets or what you call moons .

"We are going to duck here captain once we slip into the other reality" he said pulling up an imagery photograph on the table screen and pointing to a particular location, I noticed and thought he most have gotten himself familiar with some of the systems.

Alright how do you create your warmhole thing, I asked .

"Alright this should not be hard" he said raising his hand and a small whirlwind of lightning formed with dark clouds started appearing and in a twinkle of an eye, zoom!!! Zion disappeared with us in it , it was like as a teleportation.

"We are here I can sense both x-sinclair's aura and snrya's, xea too. we must hurry " he said

Alright shen, Shila,Lyna, Saint go and suit up we can't breathe out there, wear your space suits and others stay behind and be on comms and track our movements out there.

Good luck I told everyone, the 5 of us , the 3 crew plus me and alen , entered Zion's trans -pod( transportation pod) and headed for the planet xora .

A small planet among the star system (flexicove ) that was where he sensed them, as we piloted down to the planet,

We ducked as we where rarely spotted .

We unmounted the pod Wich way I asked alen , "towards the tall tower " he said pointing towards a tall building about 200meters ahead of us ,

We started heading towards it but shen and Lyna , this two girls nearly exposed us as the where really acting like they haven't encountered any alien life ,

Some they saw they were terrified and some they almost wanted to take pictures with them , honestly it was by grace and luck that we reached the tower unspotted by anyone.

On Reaching there we went inside it was dark but we had our headlights on our space suits climbing the stair ,

We heard a lightning strike sound about 3 floor above us , we Rush upstairs and we figured it was the roof top the lightning sounded from "comon we have to hurry!" Alen said quietly but audible.

We reached the rooftop and I was surprised and also terrified at what is appeared to be lightning striking towards different parts of the building and also in many directions.

Wich made us to bend down and quietly raise our heads to see, lo and behold I could see two magnificent beautiful female dressed in heavenly amor with swords that breathed fire , ones hair was light color Wich matched her skin as it was fair.

And the other had a dark green hair but was wearing a face shield, an amor face shield, she too was beautiful and they both had a very big giant wings on their backs , just like that of angels , I wondered why alen don't have, maybe I will ask him later,

As I returned my gaze to her body I noticed blood stains where all over her body , but even at that one could be honey just looking at.........

Get down alen shouted while I was aware in my thoughts, a bolt of lightning that formed a sword(lightning sword) pierced through the amor of the female I was just describing only then did my beautiful thoughts turned to fear .

As the beautiful angel I was describing her beuty in my thoughts just dropped dead I could see through her heart it was one big hole as blood scattered everywhere..

Shen winced slowly in fear but it seemed the dude that just killed the angel heard it , only then did he turn...

I was shocked to the bones as it was literally me or should I say my twin.

He looked exactly like me but a bit muscular and very tall with scars all over his bare body , he only wore a kind of an armored trouser , I don't know what it is called but it was like a literal iron trouser or a trouser made purely from iron.

He was about spotting us and alen stood a defensive positive but. The other female angel took the opportunity to fly away in high speed, and that drew his attention away from us ,

He chased her as I figured out he flys naturally without any wings just like the super man and other super hero movie I watch on earth... but she was topping with speed as a warmhole appeared and she flew Inside and it closed before he could reach her.

He circled and yelled in anger before flying away.

We rushed towards the angel he just killed, she was long gone as in dead , alen wept bitterly we spent over 20 mins consoling him , it was a first time I saw him cry .

"I think I can sense xea" he said after calming down "I know where she is going, she is going to the planet where x-sinclair abandoned his crew and the ship , but why is she going there " he asked no one in particular after saying he knows where she was going .

Let's return to the ship , "is the planet in this star system , or anywhere around this galaxy? " Lyna asked alen .

"Yes it's close its about two days ahead " he said,

"Alright but let's go back to the ship we will use coordinated search to find it " I said cutting Lyna short who looked like she wanted to ask another question.

Just as we returned to where we left our trans-pods we found out that what looks like alien security teams with some kind of weapons have already masked out trans-pod with a big giant net and was about towing it out.

Stop right there!!! I shouted bringing out my laser gun and pointing it at them , "if you don't get your hands of that.... Before Shila could finish the sentence a rope fell on us and bound us all together.

It appeared to be like a helicopter but not the design of the ones on earth and we where being taking up , the rope tired us so tightly we could barely move,

"These are not security, we are being kidnapped" alen Said while sighing......

"Wait what?? We are being kidnapped?? Are they gonna kill us..... I asked

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