These creatures took us to a particular building where it looked like it was thier headquarters, ..."no matter what they say do not reply, let me do the talking and if we are lucky we get out of this unnecessary obstacle we found ourselves in" I was cut short from my imagination by alen who murmured the words to me.

They locked us up in a cage Wich looked like it was casted with only rocks throughout and had only one small 4 by 2 window and a door.. "f**k!!!!!!, what kind of unnecessary mess up is this" Lyna cursed, honestly the situation was now looking somehow frustrating.

"Maybe we can just breakout, I can get us out of this cell but what of our ride , I don't know the part of the building where they must have taken it " alen said suddenly like as if an idea popped into his head.

It is a great idea, if you leave me here thinking I won't even know how to get myself out of here .

I said with a bit relief "how do you intend on doing that" Shila asked, "do you still ask?? A dude that teleporter into our ship , brought us here and it's ordinary breaking us out that you are asking how his gonna do it?? " Saint said mocking him.

Alright listen love birds , Shila if we are out take the right passage you and alen , others on me ,

I instructed. "But cap, we do not know these place and how or where our pod will be how do......" Don't worry you have alen you are ok, I cut Shila short knowing that he was afraid and the question was a decoy to hide it.

Copy!! Everyone said , as expected, alen help us all together and we vanished and reappeared in front of the cell,

Quickly we took different passages as I had instructed few feet ahead of us we spotted 3 alien soldiers Wich we took down and quietly we advanced.

Alright how far have we all read ? I am the narrator I will take over let captain focus on the escape...

The left side of the building alen and Shila were advancing slowly too , but this time 2 soldiers were able to spot them from behind, the soldiers raised their guns and shot.

Alen pushed Shila the to the wall and fell on the opposite "shit it's a fucking laser" Shila shouted while shooting back luckily he got them both with 2 shots

Nice shooting alen commended him and they kept advancing , they reached a point where it appears to be like an engineering facility,

Wait is that our pod? Shila asked pointing down the room.... Are they experimenting on it ?? "No I think they are dismantling it , trying to find out what it is and if it's of no use they will trash it " alen explained, "if the trash it how are we gonna get to the ship"

Quietly they approached behind the door into the room.. swooosh!! That was the sound of light super strike that was greeted on them with surprise, they murmured something and wanted to grab thier weapons, "no u fucking don't "

Shila said taking 2 that was reaming down ,

Captain we found the pod, Shila said over the comms. shhhhhhh shhhhh was the sound that came from the comms but luckily the captain speaked back

" Shila , alen, do you copy ? We mistakenly found ourselves outside of the building but no worries we are coming back in , we are coming to you " the captain said over the comms

"No no sir stay outside the building is varse in here we might loose each other, we don't know these little narrow dark passages, I will teleport us outside right now" alen said from over the comms.

In a second they and the pod appeared outside of the building..

"I hope they didn't mess with this pod Shila said turning on the pod and the systems, luckily it responded " .......

"fire up the pod!!!!!" The captain shouted while they where running towards Shila and alen.

A strike of strings of lightning zoomed passed the captain and others with him to hit the soldiers chasing them.

It was alen who shot the lightning, "get in let's get out of here" Shila said, the pod took off the ground but the alien soldiers were serious in attacking them as they took what appears to be hover bikes to chase after them.

"Shit they are unto us Saint shouted" Shila trying hard maneuvering and dodging their shots they where shooting,

"I can't shake them off " Shila said, "we need to go faster Shila they are at our tail" sir I have hit the speed limit you know this is not a ship it's a pod " Shila said breaking sweat.

"Zion do you copy ....... Zion this is the captain speaking do you copy" after some secs a reply came from the other end"captain do you read us ? We have been trying to communicate but it looks like an interference is distorting the frequency " The voice said From the other end of the comms.

"Alright I need you to ready 1 shot of the Lazer beam we have some squirrels we can't shake off at our tail, once you see visual you take the shot" But sir won't you be hit? The voice asked.

No we will manoeuver, they won't expect the shot "copy sir" the voice said before the line went dead , "Shila I need you keep a constant speed, Zion is gonna fire and once it does you will manoeuver and they will be fried" Copy sir.

Zion do you copy we are in range get ready to take the shot "copy" the voice responded ,...... 3.....2....1 fire !!!

Shila now!!!! ...

With a hard break and drift , the pod rised 10 feet above and the the alien soldiers where greeted with a heavy laser beam that fried the whole 20 hover bikes and thier riders .

Nice one Zion open the duck bay, the captain said, and the flew in but as they flew into the ship the ships super satellite imagery picked up a fast moving object towards it ,

"Sir we have an object moving fast towards us, it looks like a man" what!!!!!! He yelled, it can't be him... He said looking at alen....

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