Oh no he spotted us , alen said "we have to get out of here imagine he strikes one of those his..... " Fire up the engine for hyper speed, the captain cut Shila short

"Alen we need you create a worm hole now " the captain said while punching some buttons on the computer himself, "sir we don't have a direction I don't know where to take us "

Don't worry I have, take us to where xea headed , we are escaping to stop him that's the new mission.

Alright zion crew get ready for lunch...."captain he is already 8 meters and closing in" alright keep an eye on him , give me full power, Shila!! .

Alen get those portals ready .....sir 600meters , "in 5.....4....3...." 300meters , 2.....1!! Now alen ,

A lightning started tearing around the ship trembling it and dark clouds engulfed the whole ship, before x-sinclair could speed up to them they were already gone .........

Is everyone alright?? , the captain asked.

"Aye captain we are clear " good , but that was close, "where is this xea
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