Captives Of The Mighty

At 0.600am Zain came out of his after being woken up by his alarm, he went to the bathroom to do the normal morning business for men.

(he pissed and brushed his teeth then took a dump)

After Wich he washed his hands and took a shower, then headed to the coffee maker for a cup of it,

Good morning captain; the ship's AI greated him ,(would you like to check the system logs and take over control ) it proceeded to ask Zain further questions, but was cut mid way when he said not yet, and went to the discussion room and sat alone at the table .

"Good morning captain what's the matter, why are you here all alone and why are you still..... Am fine alen" zain said"why don't you go and take control of the ship we are en route to xea's location the course is already set just navigate only " aye captain ,

Alen replied and immediately he turned his back to leave zain called him "alen wait what the hell are you wearing don't wear that to the cockpit
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