Ch 12 - The Challenge

POV: Spectra

“Duck!” Silyn yelled, pointing her hands behind me.

“What?” I asked amidst the noise. I found out soon enough as my knees caved to the ground from the impact of Benjamin's punch to my back. Ouch. I shut my mouth tightly to prevent the scream that was building up inside from coming out. My insides blared hot from the pain, so much so that I questioned coming to this group. Heck, I wondered why I came to school today. I should have just called in—Focus, Spectra. Focus.

I tilted my head upwards, and I saw Silyn shake her head. A small crowd had gathered to watch the combat. I pushed to my feet in a frenzy, still feeling a bit dazed. I spun around just in time to block Benjamin's attack. I studied his stance for a bit; he had his face locked in a half smile—excited that he had the upper hand—and a half frown, probably surprised I hadn't surrendered already. Not yet, bro.

“You know you could just throw in the towel and save everybody's time, right?” Benjamin asked with a smirk
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