Ch 13 - Spectra

POV: Spectra

“What would you have?” the waitress asked for the second time. I looked at the menu, still finding the dishes strange. Everyone at the table peered at me, wondering why it took me so much time to choose.

Well, they wouldn't understand, I thought. I mean, it's not every day someone sleeps on Earth and wakes on another planet with different people and different–

“Hello?” the waiter prodded, her eyes searching me curiously. Benjamin nudged me gently and I sat upright almost immediately.

“Erm, I'll have whatever they're having,” I said most casually I could manage. Lord, please let it be something I could eat, I prayed in my mind. The waiter muttered an ‘ok’ and went with the menu. Phew.

“So, anything in particular you have an interest in?” Farak asked, attempting to make conversation. “Uhm, yeah. I like jewelry.”

“Oh?” Silyn sat up, with a glimmer in her eyes. “We have this amazing collection at home. You could come to see it soon,” she offered.

I need it for my system ab
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