Ch 2 - Enhancing Potentials

The second classroom on the second floor had a brass tag reading Grade 9 Class 2 hanging above it.

Spectra followed two boys into the class and headed to his seat near the window in the back. He stowed his backpack and began pondering the five attribute symbols at the bottom of his vision. Being introverted and new to the school, he had no friends in the class.

The first class was mathematics, with a middle-aged woman as the professor. The material was elementary, so Spectra listened briefly before focusing on his thoughts. The language class followed, teaching the country's language, writing, and literature, but Spectra didn't pay much attention.

The third class was etiquette, but instead of listening, Spectra tested the connection between the attributes and his body. Suddenly, the Potential attribute number in his vision shook, grabbing his attention.

Startled, Spectra looked around, but no one seemed to notice. He glanced at the podium.

The etiquette teacher, a man with an elegant beard and glasses, held an open rosewood box containing various gems and jewelry. "Your appearance reflects your respect for others. Jewelry plays a key role in improving one's image. Today, we'll discuss how gems and diamonds are used in fashion."

Spectra watched as the box circulated among the students. Before he could react, the numbers at the bottom of his vision began to change. The Potential attribute slowly increased from 25% to 26%, like a clock ticking.

He observed his classmates as they examined the box. Most glanced casually, while a few seemed excited, especially those from less affluent families.

After what felt like an eternity, the box reached the chubby boy in front of Spectra. He quickly flipped through the contents and handed it to Spectra. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Spectra took the box carefully. When he held it, his body began to tingle, as if a cold breeze flowed through him.

Quickly, Spectra set the box down and searched inside until he found a black and red pearl. As he touched it, the tingling sensation intensified.

At the bottom of his vision, the Potential percentage started to climb rapidly, like it had taken off. Within seconds, it shot from 26% to 50%, then 80%, and finally reached 100%.

As the number hit 100%, Spectra felt the black and red pearl grow dull, as though it had aged in his hand.

Hastily, he returned the pearl to the box and passed it to the last student on his right. Still, the box had been in his possession for quite some time.

The student on his right, a redhead girl with a ponytail named Ai Fei, frowned at him as she took the box. Without even looking at the contents, she passed it on.

Spectra knew Ai Fei; her family, like his, wasn't well-off, but unlike him, she excelled academically and had a disciplined personality. They were both somewhat isolated, lacking friends.

Ignoring Ai Fei, Spectra focused on the Potential percentage that only he could see. An unknown energy pulsed in his eyes, but it only began after he reached 100% Potential. He had a hunch that if he concentrated on one attribute for three seconds, this energy would enhance that attribute.

"So, it wasn’t just my imagination… I have this superpower!" Spectra was excited. After living for decades, he unexpectedly realized his childhood dream of having superpowers. Even for someone as reserved as him, it was a bit overwhelming.

"Now, which attribute should I enhance with this energy?" Spectra's gaze shifted between the four attributes: Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Intelligence.

As the class was ending, Spectra still hadn’t chosen which attribute to enhance. He finally believed this supernatural ability was real.


After the school bells rang, the etiquette teacher collected his box and left, causing chaos.

Spectra remained seated, startled by the mess. He straightened up and sighed with relief. Suddenly, he felt hungry in a way he never had before.

He checked to make sure no one was looking, then took out some blue papers from his pockets. Counting the bills, Spectra frowned slightly.

"Only fifteen dollars... not enough for the week. Also, I just ate breakfast, but when my potential reached 100%, I got hungry again. It seems the potential isn’t just draining energy from the gem, but also from my body’s digestive system."

Someone patted him on the shoulder. "Spectra, same spot for lunch?" A voice came from behind.

Spectra turned to see Kalidor, one of his classmates.

"What spot?"

"The one close to the windows," Kalidor said.

"Last weekend the cafeteria had jasmine tea and dim sum. I wonder what’s on the menu today?" Another teenager joined them.

"All right, I’m going to get the goat milk for everyone, so give me your money. Five bucks each." Kalidor extended his hands. All the students drank hot goat milk before lunch.

A dozen students gathered around Kalidor, placing five dollar bills in his hands.

"I’ll have one!"

"I’ll have one too."

"Same for me…"

These students appeared out of nowhere when they heard someone was fetching the milk.

Kalidor counted the money. "There’s enough for twelve people... Spectra, don’t you want milk? I can bring you something else."

"It’s okay, you know I don’t like goat milk." Spectra quickly refused.

However, Kalidor believed Spectra didn’t like goat milk. "Come on! Try it once, it’s delicious!"

"It’s okay, I don’t like it," Spectra refused again.

"Try it man, it’s great!"

"No thanks, I’m good. You guys go ahead!"

"Fine then…" Kalidor shrugged and left.

After a while, the chattering students had milk while Spectra pretended to focus on his schoolwork. He started taking notes, feeling hungry again. He shook his head helplessly, then noticed Ai Fei on his right.

Ai Fei seemed to have noticed someone staring at her and looked over. When their eyes met, both Spectra and Ai Fei blushed. They understood they were in the same situation.

After drinking the milk, Spectra and the other boys left for the cafeteria, laughing and chatting.

The cafeteria stood in the center of the academy, surrounded by student dormitories. It smelled of cakes and bread, and students were constantly coming in and out. Spectra ate lunch with his acquaintances, finally satisfying his hunger.

Leaving the cafeteria, Spectra raised his head and looked up at the clear sky. "This school lives up to its name. Prime Nobles Academy probably has the best food in Huaishan City… The class schedule is different in the afternoon, school would be out at three. I could go and test my abilities."

Spectra’s eyes glimmered with anticipation as he recalled local geography. "I have to check out the details of my surroundings…" With that thought, he looked around and marched off in big strides, quickly disappearing among the buildings.

The orange dawn light bathed Huaishan City, casting a red hue over the buildings. In the south district, next to Prime Nobles Academy, there stood a spacious courtyard with simple houses in front and two huge training grounds in the back.

Some youngsters in yellow uniforms were hitting training dummies on the yellow training ground. A young man in a white uniform walked among them, correcting their mistakes. Spectra discreetly left Prime Nobles Academy after lunch to come here.

This was an ordinary dojo near Prime Nobles Academy, where Spectra and two other classmates joined out of pure impulsiveness.

Spectra was sluggishly whacking the wooden dummy in front of him. The dummy was tall and dark yellow, covered with rubber.

He leaned against the dummy, organizing his thoughts. "According to Spectra’s memory, he didn’t have much talent, but he worked hard at this dojo. The ones teaching us..." Spectra’s eyes landed on the young man in white uniform, "…are Yamir and Veledict."

Spectra had something planned. As he thought about it, he started exercising again.

A girl in a white uniform with a ponytail hastily walked over and talked with Yamir. Most of the students were familiar with her, so no one questioned the substitution.

Spectra glanced at Veledict. Her slender legs were her greatest pride. A lot of boys who were practicing peeked at her now and then.

Veledict inspected the students, nodding satisfied. "The combat techniques of our Silver Rod Dojo are simple but effective. Even an ordinary person can instantly use forces up to 1.5 times greater than his original strength if they master this technique."

Spectra started preparing for the upcoming battle by reviewing the basic combat techniques and warming up his body while focusing his vision on the five symbols. "I should be able to use the basic combat technique to train my body while speeding up my growth with the help of attribute enhancements."

He carefully went through the five symbols. Strength 0.31. Agility 0.22. Vitality 0.27. Intelligence 0.32. Potential 100%. Spectra stopped, disappointed.

"Okay, let’s begin," Veledict’s voice echoed.

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