Ch 3 - Adjusting To Change

The martial arts dojos here were like the taekwondo dojos back on Earth. They aimed to promote physical exercise and fitness. There was a ranking system, but most dojos were just for exercise and not lethal, except for the top ones. Martial arts were part of the regular education, like music or dancing, to make children well-rounded.

Spectra paired up with the same girl as last time. She was ordinary-looking with a slim waist and flat chest. Her silver hair shone crimson in the sunlight.

"Rank 15, Daris."

"Rank 16, Spectra."

They greeted each other by name and rank.

"Begin!" Veledict yelled.

Spectra and Daris focused on each other’s movements. The training didn’t include special moves, just basic exercises, and the Explosive Force Technique. Combat was based on personal experience, but with the technique, their strength could be boosted for some attacks. This was to test their raw strength and potential.

Spectra stopped overthinking and attacked Daris. He hadn’t used the attribute enhancement yet, wanting to test his natural strength.

Daris dodged and counterattacked, but Spectra reacted quickly. He tackled her, and they grappled, throwing punches without any form or routine.

This time, Spectra took a moment to focus on his Strength attribute. There was a quiet sound in his head, and he felt his muscles swell. His Strength had increased from 0.31 to 0.41.

He charged again, using his increased strength and speed to surprise Daris. She couldn’t dodge in time and was knocked over.

Daris gasped in disbelief at Spectra’s strength. He was joyous but confused by the sudden change.

After the match, Veledict nodded at Spectra with a smile. "Go rest for now."

"Yes, assistant Veledict." Spectra wiped away sweat and sat to rest.

Later, he realized the increase in strength made him eat more and focus less on schoolwork. He started paying attention to jewelry and gems to fill his Potential Bar.

"Hey Spectra, wanna visit Emerald Lake with us this weekend?"

A few students gathered on the rooftop, chatting near the railing.

Spectra leaned against the railing with Kalidor and two other boys, Jake Reese and Brucy. There were also three girls, including Ai Fei.

"Emerald Lake? Where is that?" Spectra asked.

"It’s near the paper mill in the suburbs. We’ve only been there once. There were tons of swans at the lake, along with many other types of birds. And... you know…" Kalidor smirked at the girls.

"The point is, it’s a desolate wildland…" Jake added.

Spectra shook his head. "If it’s like last time, then forget it. I don’t have much spare money left anyway."

"It’s fine. I can pay for your share, no problem." Kalidor said.

After settling on the time, they asked the girls to come, but Brucy’s friends declined the invitation.

Only Ai Fei stayed, holding her skirt in the wind. She looked to Spectra.

"Spectra, are you going too?"

"Well… Brucy promised that if I went, he’d let me see his family’s jewelry collection…"

Ai Fei nodded, understanding Spectra’s interest. He had to agree because he wanted to enhance his abilities.

In the last few days, Spectra had reached rank 14 in the dojo class and found ways to fill his Potential Bar.

Emerald Lake, with its clear blue waters, lush green mountains, and glistening yellow stones, provided a picturesque backdrop. White birds glided above, and a cool wind caused ripples on the azure lake, distorting the reflection of the mountains.

The boys found a spot for a picnic along the stone-filled riverbed and unpacked their tools and food.

Spectra glanced at the girls sitting in the shade. Besides the ones they knew were coming, there was a stunning surprise: Smoke. Her white dress fluttered in the wind, and her blond hair cascaded over her left shoulder. With her crystal-clear skin and aloof demeanor, she seemed like a sapphire among stones.

Spectra looked at himself, Kalidor, Brucy, and Jake. Their mismatched attire of dull colors made them look like a ragtag group. Comparing them to the elegant girls, Spectra couldn't help but notice the stark difference.

"That’s Smoke. Brucy’s friends invited her. She looks so elegant," Kalidor said quietly while stacking firewood.

"I’ve never seen anyone like her at the academy," Jake whispered. "Imagine having a girlfriend like that."

"She's my cousin’s friend, so I don’t know her either. Keep it down," Brucy explained. "I didn’t know my cousin would invite her."

Spectra smiled and squatted down with them, fixing the firewood. Compared to Smoke's pristine appearance, the boys working with muddy firewood seemed worlds apart.

"Wanna play poker?" Kalidor asked, pulling out some old cards. Spectra, Jake, and Brucy eagerly agreed.

They used roasted fish and kabobs as stakes and sat in a circle to play. Soon, they were deeply engrossed in the game.

Meanwhile, Smoke watched the boys play from the shade. Her sapphire eyes held no trace of discrimination, but her presence still set her apart. She had joined on a whim after being invited by friends.

A girl with short red hair approached her. "Brucy is my cousin. They like to have campfires and barbeques at night. Interested?"

"No thanks, it looks dirty," Smoke replied. "I’m here for some quiet time alone."

As Spectra played poker, he noticed the boys' subtle glances towards the girls. Amused, he discreetly cheated, winning the game.

Thinking back on his past, Spectra remembered his constant failures and lack of confidence. Martial arts had been his way of trying to surpass his sister, Mira.


The black-feathered arrow hit the bullseye accurately. Mira, in her white archery robe, lowered her bow with a sigh. "My form needs improvement..."

"You're doing great from this distance," said the girl with blue hair next to her. "You might become the next Vice President of our archery club if you keep it up."

"Thank you, senior sister!" Mira replied respectfully.

Prime Academy's student organizations had their dynamics. Higher-grade students held administrative positions, including leadership roles in clubs.

The girl in blue hair nodded. "About the fight last time, I handled it. Try not to let it happen again. We can't afford more incidents like that."

"Thank you, president. I’ll be careful," Mira apologized again.

The girl heard her response and left to check on other members.

Mira continued to practice alone. After a while, a brunette girl whispered something to her.

Mira's face reddened. "He’s still my brother, no matter how useless he is! Let's go!" She put down her bow and ran out, followed by the other tomboys from the club.

The club president shook her head. "How many times has this happened... I wonder if she has a brother complex... Ling, go with her and make sure she doesn’t cause trouble. She’s crucial for the upcoming competition."

A short girl with red hair nodded and hurried after Mira.

Other club members were used to this and resumed practicing. Mira's temperament was well-known among them.

The sky was clear with a few clouds on the horizon.

Spectra sat on a rock, turning kabobs over the fire. The delicious smell filled the air as the meat sizzled.

He glanced at the girls, who had set up a picnic blanket with snacks and beverages. Exhaling deeply, Spectra checked his attribute pane. His Agility and Vitality had increased slightly, but his Potential Bar was stuck at 89%.

"Only 11% to go. Let’s see if Brucy’s jewelry works. If not, I'll have to find another way..."

As a cold wind blew, Spectra shivered and returned to the bonfire.

"Down the riverbank is the paper mill where my uncle works. Want to go?" Kalidor asked.

"What’s so interesting about paper mills..." Brucy began, but a scream interrupted him. The girls seemed to be in trouble.

Spectra and the boys rushed over to find two girls on the ground, backing away from a snake. One girl had been bitten.

"Something’s wrong. Let’s go!" Spectra led the charge, abandoning their kabobs as they ran towards the commotion.

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