Ch 5 - Intermediate Level

The old man ran his fingers through his sparse hair. "Look around. Left side, countryside finds. Right, family treasures." He resumed examining the object in his hand.

Wearing white gloves, he held a gold pocket watch, studying its mechanics.

Spectra scanned the shop, browsing from left to right. An oil painting depicted a siege, with armored warriors and catapults.

Beneath it, a dark gold metal sheet featured a smiling human face. Spectra touched it, feeling its rough texture.

"That's the Totem of the Sun God," the old man explained. "Rare. Valuable. Yours for $35,000."

Spectra doubted its authenticity. His special ability confirmed his suspicion.

On a redwood table nearby, Spectra found a burgundy emblem, a wine bottle, and a silver cup. Touching the emblem, he felt a surge of potential.

"This…" Spectra's voice trailed off as he examined the emblem closely.

"Six grand," the old man declared, interrupting Spectra's thoughts.

Spectra hesitated, aware of his limited funds. "I'll think about it."

The old man hinted at potential competition, urging Spectra to decide quickly.

Spectra explored the shop further, but only the emblem showed potential.

Returning to the emblem, Spectra requested a reservation, promising to return with the money.

"Three weeks," the old man reminded, offering a discounted price of $5,000.

Spectra left, determined to raise the funds.

Outside, he pondered his options, realizing the emblem's potential was within reach.

He encountered his uncle, who invited him inside.

In his uncle's room, Spectra listened to his uncle's advice.

As his uncle spoke, Spectra plotted ways to earn $5,000.

He considered the Dojo and scholarship opportunities.

A new thought struck him: competitions. He checked his abilities, contemplating his chances.

Excited by the possibility, Spectra focused on enhancing his swordsmanship ability.

Spectra stood still, listening to the conversation. It was almost noon, and the daylight outside was increasing.

Uncle Remi escorted the customer to the door before turning back to Spectra.

"Leaving already?" he asked as Spectra retrieved his scarf.

"It's still early. Stay for lunch," Remi suggested, gesturing towards Fabiano's imminent return.

"Maybe next time. Mira is waiting," Spectra replied with a smile.

"Alright. Take care," Remi said, patting Spectra's head.

Putting on his shoes, Spectra prepared to leave when his uncle slipped some money into his hand.

"Pocket money. Study hard," Remi said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle. Goodbye," Spectra said gratefully, bowing.

"Visit more often," Remi reminded him.

Spectra bid farewell and descended the stairs, encountering Fabiano in the hall.

"Spectra, come here," Fabiano beckoned, dribbling a white ball.

Approaching cautiously, Spectra stopped a few meters away.

"What did Dad say?" Fabiano inquired, raising his eyebrows.

"Just asking how I've been. I have to go," Spectra replied softly.

"Nervous? I'm your elder," Fabiano taunted, sensing a challenge.

"I'm leaving. Mira is waiting," Spectra stated firmly, heading for the exit.

"Stop!" Fabiano demanded angrily.

Spectra turned back, facing Fabiano's attempt to slap him.

Their palms collided mid-air, neither gaining an advantage.

Spectra, surprised by Fabiano's martial skill, countered with force.

Fabiano stumbled from the impact, his hand swelling.

"Not bad," he conceded, eyeing Spectra and the girl beside him.

Their altercation ended, and Spectra left, hearing Fabiano's curses behind him.

Returning home, Spectra encountered a gentleman exiting the building.

Inside, Mira asked for help with groceries.

"Coming," Spectra replied, blushing at a glimpse under her skirt.

After a playful scolding, they entered their home.

Mira tripped Spectra during a chase, revealing her martial prowess.

Recalling her speed, Spectra speculated on her training.

Their altercation over, Mira prepared lunch, revealing a menu of sweet bean cake, onion pancakes, and coconut with sweet melon soup.

Spectra noticed a change in his sister. His adult awareness let him pick up on Mira's subtle shift in behavior; she seemed to hang on to his every word. During their game of tag earlier, she handled him delicately, as if afraid of hurting him. That's how he managed to catch her off guard and win in the end.

"Have some lunch first. You've had a busy day, Mira, with breakfast, lunch, and fruit shopping," Spectra said, reaching to pinch her cheek. Her face felt smoother, with fewer blemishes.

"Ugh, stop it!" Mira swatted his hand away. "What's gotten into you? Since when do you care about anyone else?" She eyed Spectra suspiciously. Despite pretending otherwise, she secretly worried about him.

Spectra's heart raced. He realized he might have overdone his change in demeanor. Without another word, he withdrew his hand. "Can't I mature? Why are you so surprised? Let's eat."

After a hurried meal, they washed dishes together, both feeling off. Mira couldn't shake the feeling of exposure from earlier, while Spectra pondered Attribute Enhancements in his room.

By the window, he studied the red Attribute data, contemplating his options. "Enhancing skills could help me win the tournament, but I can't draw attention. Maybe focusing on the Silver Rod Dojo is better. But their prize money is low... I'll inquire about inter-dojo tournaments. That's a solid plan."

Leaving his room, Spectra passed Mira's door, seeing her asleep. He decided not to disturb her.

Wrapping up, he left the house, $300 from his uncle in hand. Hailing a carriage, he directed the driver to the Silver Rod Dojo.

"It's $10, right?" the driver confirmed.

"Yeah, let's go," Spectra agreed.

As they rode, buildings whizzed by, eventually giving way to a quiet street lined with shops.

Spectra's thoughts drifted to the tournament as they approached the dojo.

Exiting the carriage, Spectra paid and entered the dojo, reading a recruitment notice.

Inside, students practiced and focused on their training. Spectra spotted Erwin, the top student, and approached.

"Senior Brother Erwin, can I ask you something?" Spectra requested, starting a conversation that shed light on the tournament structure.

Emerging from the conversation, Spectra had a plan.

Leaving the dojo, Spectra waited for a carriage outside.

"Hey, want a newspaper?" a boy in a cap offered, holding out a stack.

Spectra considered then took one and paid a dollar.

"Thanks," the boy said, moving on.

Spectra unfolded the paper, eyes drawn to a headline.

"Tensions rise between the Jampire Empire and the Republic of the Leipzig!" he read, frowning. He scanned other headlines before a bump made a page fall.

A photo caught his eye: a scarecrow in a dark wheat field.

"Shocking find in Southwest Province," the caption read.

Studying the photo, Spectra sensed a flicker of something strange.

The name "Tyran Farm" caught his eye before a carriage arrived.

Heading to Oakwood Street, Spectra pondered the news.

In class, a lecturer spoke on world peace after the Border War.

Spectra, flipping through his textbook, paused at the map.

The three continents intrigued him, especially the Grunade Federation.

After class, a student, Lan Ruo, cleaned the board.

Spectra observed her, knowing her reputation for aloofness.

Kalidor approached, asking about Brucy.

"He's probably with a girl," Spectra guessed.

Kalidor invited him to lunch with Brucy's cousin and a friend.

Spectra declined, having dojo plans.

At the Silver Rod Dojo, Spectra joined others for a ceremony.

An elder congratulated them on becoming official disciples.

Spectra, last to approach a scroll, studied it.

The posture depicted intrigued him, and he felt a faint scent.

Returning to his spot, he felt drowsy.

The elder explained the method, and Spectra followed suit.

As he held the pose, he felt a warmth spreading.

Listening to the elder's instructions, Spectra's skills improved.

His new Secret Method advanced to the intermediate level.

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