Lord Mordian gasped in surprise when Galrut mentioned Goreland. He was taken aback for a moment and nearly blacked out because he did not see that one coming. "Wait which Goreland are we talking about is it -"

"The Goreland we spent eight years fighting during the first and second civil war, the land of the minotaurs." Galrut said flatly.

"Oh great Oridon, what kind of a quest is this, if I had just refused Lauihnio his request to harness that dragon egg I would certainly have avoided all this trouble." He whispered to himself in regret.

"Are you saying something Mordian?"

Lord Mordian jerked his face upwards to Galrut. "No no it is nothing." He said. "However despite the Badorna lotus being in Goreland only, why have your government not been able to at least sign an agreement with the minotaurs or even buy these plants not minding the price they may throw at you."

Prince Elrond heaved a sigh. "Mordian I tell you if that was possible I would have done that long before now and you would
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