Chapter 47

Archie bounced into school the next morning and the classmates pointed at him making him feel a bit worried about their newly found attitude. There was nothing to fear because the bullies had been sent home. If anyone tried anything unseemly with him, he would make sure that they faced the wrath of expulsion.

"Why is everyone staring at me like I have poop on my skin?" He wondered and was finally seeing the difference in the way that they treated others. It was as if he was some vermin.

He didn't do anything to warrant this kind of treatment, especially from people who he knew he was better than. It was just an avenue for them to have a way with their offences which quite frankly he didn't mind.

"Archie, over here!" He heard someone call and before he could say Jack, a ball hit him hard in the stomach.

He only scanned the area for Bailey. She was supposed to be in school early. They were supposed to turn in their assignments early. He thought of writing hers and submitting it. He c
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