Chapter 46

The next few days were drama-filled and the staff and students started a rumor saying there was a more powerful entity in the town and it wasn’t the Mayor, some said it was the district attorney while some were convinced it was the Marshall.

News of the gossip had reached the ears of the mayor and it annoyed him more than the embarrassment Tommy was causing for him, having his power questioned in his own York was a nightmare and he was living it.

“Where is Tommy?” He asked his assistant.

“He went for football practice, the school still allows him to have them.” Samantha explained and rage started to boil all once again.

“Football practice or a class on how to embarrass your parents 101? Call him in. Tell him to return to the house now!” The mayor grounded and Samantha immediately hurried to do it, she dialed his mobile number and after the beep she dropped the message.

“Tell the media team to schedule an emergency airing for later today. He has to apologize to the boy on air.” The ma
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