Chapter 45

“I am disappointed in you boys” The principal was saying, his disappointment was clear and so was his voice when he gave his final verdict. “ I shall not condone such behavior in this school and find it criminal and dishonest. I won't accept it, boys! You’re hereby suspended till further notice.”

Their eyes looked like it was going to pop out of its socket and rage poured through the three of them. They had always managed to get away with their bully and incredulous pranks but not because of Archie they were suspended?

David hurried forward and sat on the opposite seat.“Sir, it was an honest prank! We didn’t expect Archie to take it this far.”

“Honestly sir, that’s what we thought..” Ryan added desperately.

Archie allowed himself to feel smug about this particular situation, he would have been the one to be suspended and these same guys would be laughing. The principal's voice jolted him out of his thoughts as the boys filed out of the office.

“Can I get a copy of the voice tape? I
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