Chapter 44

Archie watched the clock on the classroom wall, counting the seconds until the final bell. He had been watching them acting dumb he could tell they were waiting for the right opportunity to act.

He almost chuckled watching them act anxious like a child waiting for Santa Christmas morning.

Simultaneously their eyes clashed they glared at him then looked in the other direction while he kept his expression neutral.

Finally he stood stretching a little to see the eager expression on their faces, they failed miserably to hide their intentions, if Emily hadn't warned him he would have still figured out their plan.

Rolling his eyes he walked out leaving his bag behind knowing that was where they would plant the evidence.

He stood outside watching through the glass as they stayed back. They were waiting for everyone to leave before they executed their stupid plan.

Not bothered Archie left then went to the cafeteria to grab a snack, those peasants were not worth stressing over though he would
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