Chapter 43

"What do you want?" Archie asked, his voice a sharp edge. He had better things to do than entertain their false care.

Ryder forced a smile, he was sick of his attitude but he kept his composure, he was here to earn his trust and find out what he was up to

"Aren't you happy to see us, Archie? We came all the way out here..." He trailed of trying his best not to scrunch his nose in disgust

He wouldn't be caught dead in this ratchet part of town, Archie should be grateful he considered stooping to his level.

Archie’s eyes flicked over them briefly before he leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. "Happy? No, I’m not. How do you feel being in this part of town? I'm surprised you even had the guts to come here so what did I do to be honored by this disturbing visit?"

Ryder’s smile faltered, his knuckles tightened by his side, the audacity of this man! He thought it took a lot for him to keep his tone light. "We just thought we’d check on you. It's been a while."

Archie scoffed.
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