Chapter 42

Archie went back to his work that day without adhering to the gossip of workers. He was ready to head back home when the Manager called him again.

"Sir" He smiled after changing the close and open sign of the restaurant. The boss was actually outside waiting for him. "I can see you've started managing the restaurant, Archie" he said and smiled and Archie felt proud. He was going to be missing his boss though and suddenly, he was forced to ask.

"When will you be returning back, Sir?", He asked, trying not to sound so desperate to know. "Soon, I can't say for now" he muttered like he could read his mind and Archie nodded his head.

"Um, will you like anything? I'm just surprised that you called me" Archie uttered. "I heard the struct policies you instilled in the workers" Manager Temple replied, and Archie was taken aback. His limp bone rose as he averted away. He was sure he wouldn't like the rules he just made.. was he really going too far?

His thoughts were cut off when he spoke again
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