Chapter 41

"Boss...Boss, are you for real?" Archie's jaw dropped the moment his boss declared that statement.

From the other end, he could see the rest of the workers already growling and murmuring with jealousy as envy rented the restaurant.

Seeing they just finished gossiping about him, of course, they were meant to get uncomfortable.

"Why Archie of all people in this restaurant?" One of them murmured to the other, bitterness visible in his voice and how he spoke.

"I don't even know myself. Isn't he an irregular worker? What does the manager see to make him the new manager?" The other whispered to the first one, and Archie's eyes twitched, falling on the two workers who instantly cleared their throats, focusing back on the work.

"You know it's good not to gossip while at work? If you're pained by my success, then you can just make use of the door" Archie said bluntly, trying to keep his cool as the Manager returned to his office.

Archie felt so happy, ecstatic, and surprised at the same time.
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