Chapter 40

"I can't... I can't do it" Archie shook his head and Bailey's expression fell.

"Archie.." She tried reaching for him but he stepped out of reach, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not the kind of man your parents want for you," He sighed, staring at Bailey.

"Your parents want nothing to do with me and I'm okay with it. I just can't go" Bailey shook her head, reaching for him again luckily he didn't move away.

"Who cares about my parents? It's you I want, it's you I love... Just come with me, I promise everything will be fine" She pleaded, framing his face with her hands.

Why wouldn't he believe her? She loves him, isn't that enough? Isn't that what their relationship strived on?

She didn't want anything from him except 'him'. All of him.

Archie was silent as he searched her eyes. He gently brought her hands down from his face and her heart broke at the gesture.

She could feel it, he was rejecting her. There was no way she'd convince him again. That was Archie.

"I'm sorry Bail
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