Chapter 39

“Archie?” A voice called out behind him and his anger dissipated at the sound of her voice. Bailey

He turned to look at her, anger still blazing in his eyes

Bailey gave a warning look to everyone and hurried to Archie.

“Are you all right?” She whispered to him, her voice low so that no one could hear her except him.

He didn't answer, his gaze fixed on nothing.

The guy who he slapped pinched his nose bridge. “Leave the bastard alone and let him face me” The boy growled.

Bailey behaved like he was nothing but a persistent fly and she placed a hand on Archie's back and he calmed down a bit.

“Let's leave, it's not worth it” she whispered to him and he looked up at her with pleading eyes but she shook her head and he conceded.

“Fine” He muttered, straightening up.

Bailey placed her hand in his and was about to drag him away when some people started booing.

“Why do you try to act so tough huh?!” The guy yelled, angry that Archie was walking away.

Bailey stared down at Archie's other hand an
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