Chapter 38

Archie sighed. Could he say no? No, of course not.

“Sure, come on in. We can talk” He said, his eyes following her every move as she fully entered the room and closed the door behind her

She sighed and crossed her arms at him and he blew out a deep breath, the tension in the air palpable.

“Yes mum, what did you want to talk about?” He asked her, after a long silence between them

She seemed to be thinking of something but hearing his voice made her snap out of her daze and she nodded.

“Oh sorry, my mind went AWOL for a moment there” She muttered and Archie kept silent waiting for her to say something

The look she was giving him was unnerving and made him feel uncomfortable.

“Archie, you know that I want the best for you…” she began, her voice low but calculating.

Archie gulped, not liking where the conversation was heading.

“Yes, mum. I know that," he muttered.

“Then I need you to tell me the truth” she demanded and Archie just wanted to scream. Why was she especially insistent?

“I al
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