Chapter 4

“They aren’t cultivators, but the viciousness when they fought, their grasp of timing, as well as their indifferent attitude toward death in critical moments allowed their killing prowess to be enhanced.”

Even dealing with two at once might work, but facing three together would likely be too much. This realization made him more careful.

As they got closer to the outside world, Saibot noticed the scavengers getting more relaxed. 

They started chatting and joking, except for Captain Litcht, who stayed quiet. Saibot wondered who he was, but he stayed cautious as they approached the edge of the forbidden zone. He kept his distance from the group and listened carefully to their talk.

When it got dark, Saibot felt warm and looked around. He saw they were leaving the cold, desolate area behind and entering the outside world. It was still nighttime, but it felt different. 

Stars filled the sky, and there were normal sounds of animals, like a rabbit watching them from a distance.

The change made the scavengers relax more, even Captain Litcht.

When the sky was almost completely dark, Saibot paused in his footsteps as a sensation of warmth gushed over him. He then turned and stared at the desolate land behind him, before looking at the world in front of him.

Between heaven and earth, the place he was standing in seemed to have an invisible boundary.

Within the boundary was a rudimentary forbidden zone that had just been formed. It was extremely cold.

Outside the boundary was the normal world that was filled with vitality and warmth. They finally walked out of the forbidden zone.

Although it was nighttime outside, the starry sky was dazzling and the bright moon hung high up in the sky.

Although the land outside also reeked of desolation, it was a far cry from the coldness in the forbidden zone. There’d also be occasional cries from ordinary birds and beasts.

Saibot even saw a rabbit in the bushes far away, and it was looking at them warily.

Everything here made Saibot feel a little in a daze.

At this moment, those scavengers’ expressions became completely relaxed. Even Captain Litcht’s brows were no longer knitted.

“We’re finally out. This trip is considered quite smooth. If it’s possible, I wouldn’t want to take another step into the forbidden zones.”

“Don’t go to the forbidden zones? If you want to survive in this damned world, if you want to live a better life, you must risk your life in the forbidden zones. Sooner or later, I’ll buy a residency right in a Vein’ branch city!”

Now that they were out of the forbidden zone, these scavengers were clearly in a more relaxed mood and kept chatting with each other.

Saibot kept quiet but listened attentively. From the conversations he had heard on the way, he had gained a lot of information that he wouldn’t have heard of in the past.

Take the Vein for example. He had heard these scavengers mention them many times. They seemed to be a very powerful influence.

Also, the name Purple Earth has been mentioned by them many times.

“You only have such a small ambition? There are many Vein branch cities. Antler City, which is nearby, is one of them.

However, the qualifications there can’t be bought with just spirit coins. You still need the recommendation of a Vein’s disciple. Residency rights? My goal is to obtain the qualifications to enter the Vein and become a Vein’s disciple!”

“If you go to the Vein, you won’t be able to survive for more than three days. Who doesn’t know how to boast? Why don’t you say that your goal is to head to the Wrengu Continent overseas? The place of origin for the human race can be found there.”

When Saibot heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He had seen the name Wrengu on the bamboo slip.

“Wrengu? You think that I wouldn’t go if I could ignore those forbidden creatures in the sea?”

Two of the scavengers seemed to have some verbal conflict and started arguing.

As Saibot perked his ears and was about to continue to listen to their conversation to obtain more information, the old man named Captain Litcht threw a glance at them. He then spoke for the first time on the journey.

“It’s not impossible if you want to go to the Wrengu Continent. There are four ways to do so, and you guys can give it some thought to see which method is suitable for you.”

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