Chapter 5

"Firstly, achieve Foundation Building by the age of 15 years, becoming a rarely-seen heaven chosen. Secondly, pay 300,000 jun* worth of spirit coins and purchase a migration quota from Purple Earth, Vein, or the Litu Sect.”

“Thirdly, make an outstanding contribution in alchemy for the human race. Fourthly, be taken in as a personal disciple by one of the great clans from Purple Earth, or by one of the Vein’s peak lords*, or the Litu Sect’s sect master.”

“Oh, there’s a fifth way, which is to become a treasure nurturer. Think about it. Which method is suitable for you?”

All the scavengers fell silent, especially when they heard the fifth method. Their expressions became very unnatural and their gazes revealed horror.

Saibot focused his gaze. He had heard of the term ‘treasure-nurturers’ before.

Back when he was in the slums, he had a few close companions with him who were taken away by some people dressed in luxurious clothes.

It was said that they wanted to nurture them into treasure-nurturers. Back then, the other children in the slums were very envious.

Therefore, he hesitated a moment before looking at Captain Litcht and asking softly.

“May I ask… what are treasure-nurturers?”

Captain Litcht’s gaze landed on Saibot and he slowly spoke.

“Using one’s body to nourish magic treasure and cultivate unique techniques, using one’s flesh and blood to dilute the anomalous substances in magic treasures. This will help to ease the anomalous substances increment with each use of the magic treasure. While it allows the continuous usage of the magic treasures, the treasure-nurturers’ bodies will gradually wear out and they’ll die.”

Saibot’s eyes narrowed and he fell silent for a long while. Everyone seemed to have lost interest in chatting because of the words ‘treasure-nurturers’. 

They then continued to walk silently in the dark night.

It wasn't until they had left a distance away from the forbidden zone and arrived at a stretch of plains that Captain Litcht chose to set up camp.

Unlike how they had done things in the forbidden zone, when they set up camp in the external world, they not only set up tents but also started a campfire.

As the flames burned, the warmth grew stronger. These scavengers then sat around the campfire, each taking out their food to roast. Fragrance gradually permeated the air out as they cooked.

Saibot gulped when he saw their food. Meanwhile, he sat in the far distance and took out half a piece of tough meat jerky, putting it into his mouth and chewing it off with great effort.

Captain Litcht, who was next to the campfire, looked over. He then got up and went over to where Saibot was. 

As Saibot abruptly raised his head, Captain Litcht tossed over a leather pouch. There were a few hot buns within.

Saibot’s eyes widened the instant he saw these buns. He held in his urge and spoke up in a low voice.

“Thank you.”

Captain Litcht didn’t say anything and returned to the side of the campfire. A scavenger next to him laughed and asked.

“Captain Litcht, why are you treating this kid so well?”

“We’re all pitiful people. Since we met each other, we are fated. If I can help, then I’ll help a little.”

There were three buns in the bag and they felt very warm to the touch.

Saibot hesitated for a moment. He saw that everyone next to the campfire was also eating the same buns. Therefore, he first pretended to take a bite while he continued to observe those scavengers. 

After noticing that they were all fine after a while, he continued to hold his impulse in for a very long time before he finally took a small bite, keeping the food in his mouth and waiting for a moment.

Only after ascertaining that it was fine did he slowly chew it thoroughly and swallow it slowly.

And after another long period of waiting and confirming again that it was fine, he completely relaxed and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. 

He couldn’t hold it in anymore and finished one of the buns in big bites. Then, he hesitated for a moment and finished the second one as well.

Although he was still hungry, he still wrapped up the last bun and carefully placed it in his leather pouch, as if he was storing a precious treasure.

As it quickly got later into the night, the scavengers returned to their tents in succession. After that, Captain Litcht acted the same as yesterday and passed a sleeping bag to Saibot. He then said a sentence before he left.

“This is a gift for you.”

Saibot raised his head and looked at Captain Litcht before he suddenly spoke.


“What do you mean why? Are you talking about the three buns and one sleeping bag… There’s no reason for that. If you feel grateful, just get me some food in the future.” Captain Litcht turned and headed toward his tent.

“What do you like to eat?”

“Me?” Captain Litcht stood next to his tent and thought about it.

“Snakes. Those things don’t taste bad.” After saying that, he entered his tent.

Saibot held onto the sleeping bag and looked at Captain Litcht’s tent for a very long time. He then nodded heavily in agreement before entering the sleeping bag and closing his eyes.

However, he didn’t fall asleep immediately. Instead, he quietly circulated the Tempest Mountain Art with his eyes closed. This had already become a habit of his.

Even though it felt extremely chilly when cultivating, he didn’t give up at all. He made use of all the time he had to work hard in his cultivation.

This was especially so after Captain Litcht had mentioned the point of achieving Foundation Building before the age of 15. 

Although he couldn’t compare with those heaven chosens mentioned in books, he still had some hope.

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