Chapter 8

Saibot calmly approached the cage, and the giant-horn python within stared coldly at him as it slithered out. Its thick body caused a grinding sound against the metal poles.

Sensing Saibot's difference, the python hesitated, coiling outside the cage, eyeing him warily. The audience grew excited, their commotion dying down.

He advanced slowly. When he entered the python's range, its pupils flashed with murderous intent, tail slamming the ground, propelling it forward. Its jaws opened wide, aiming to devour Saibot.

Unfazed, Saibot dodged to the side, eyes fixed on the python's belly. As it lunged again, he waited, observing for the right moment. When the tail lashed out, he struck, his punch sending it recoiling.

Angered, the python charged, attempting to coil around him. Saibot seized the opportunity, landing punch after punch, causing cracks to form on the snake's belly.

Not wasting time, Saibot drew his dagger and plunged it into the python's flesh, blood spraying. Amidst its cries, he extracted the gallbladder, swiftly swallowing it, ignoring the onlookers' varied reactions.

The expressions on the faces of the onlookers were unprecedented. 

An adult dispatching the giant horn python might not have evoked such reactions.

But a small, skinny kid doing it so effortlessly... After snatching the gallbladder and swiftly killing the snake without changing his expression, it was a scene rarely witnessed in the camp. Even the other beasts in their cages trembled in fear.

Putting away his iron stick, the youth grabbed the wounded python and headed toward the Beast Fight Arena's gate, leaving a trail of fresh blood behind him.

Saibot glanced at the high platform where the camp leader stood. The man with the three-stroke beard finally regained his composure, signaling for the gate to open.

As Saibot exited the arena, he found Litcht waiting for him with a smile and his arms crossed. 

Saibot asked, "Can I stay at your place now?" Captain Litcht agreed, and Saibot tossed the snake corpse to him as a treat.

Walking away together, Captain Litcht laughed heartily, while the audience inside the arena erupted into cheers. 

In a corner of the crowd, an old man in purple robes sat with a middle-aged man bearing a five-point star totem on his forehead. 

Despite their conspicuous appearance, no one seemed to notice them, not even the camp leader. The old man's eyes sparkled with concealed power as he watched Saibot depart, remarking, "This youth is pretty interesting."

Time passed slowly, and soon, evening descended upon the campsite. When Captain Litcht's voice echoed from outside, calling him to dinner, Saibot, who had just finished a day of cultivation, opened his eyes.

He quickly got up and exited the house, where he found Captain Litcht standing at the end of the room, beckoning to him. Next to Captain Litcht, Saibot noticed seven to eight different snake dishes arranged on the dining table, ranging from deep-fried to braised to steamed, along with snake soup. It was evident that Captain Litcht possessed exceptional cooking skills, evident in the taste, appearance, and aroma of the dishes.

Unable to resist the temptation, Saibot's gaze lingered on the dishes. Seeing this, Captain Litcht chuckled and fetched chopsticks and bowls.

Saibot followed suit and entered the end room, where the fragrance grew even stronger. However, he hesitated upon seeing three sets of chopsticks and bowls.

"Is there someone else?" Saibot asked, curious about the extra utensils.

"Don't worry. It's a habit of mine. Those... are for someone who will never come," Captain Litcht explained with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

Satisfied with the explanation, Saibot sat down, and both began to eat. Throughout the meal, they remained silent, their eating habits contrasting sharply. Captain Litcht savored each bite slowly, while Saibot devoured the food eagerly.

Noting Saibot's voracious appetite, Captain Litcht couldn't help but remark, "You ate the bun I gave you so delicately. But now, you're devouring this food."

Saibot swallowed a piece of snake meat before responding seriously, "The buns were yours, but this snake meat is mine."

Captain Litcht chuckled at Saibot's straightforwardness. As they continued eating, Saibot revealed his intention to pay rent for the python's meat, skin, and bones, as a gesture of gratitude for Captain Litcht's past kindness.

Impressed by Saibot's sincerity, Captain Litcht shared more about his identity as the leader of a small team of scavengers called "Lightning Arrow." He invited Saibot to join them in completing missions and earning cultivation resources in the future.

Accepting the offer without hesitation, Saibot understood that every act of kindness came with a motive. Yet, he felt relieved knowing that he could repay Captain Litcht in his own way.

"One more thing, don't overdo it with cultivation, it could prove dangerous if you can't find your balance." 

With those words, Captain Litcht left Saibot to contemplate his advice. Regardless, Saibot continued his training... 

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