Chapter 9

“I’ve finally broken through.”

Saibot stood up and punched out, producing a crisp sound echoing through the air. In fact, the blast of wind even caused the door to the house to shake a little.

If the current him fought against that giant-horn snake, Saibot believed that he could blast through the belly scales of the snake with a single punch.

Not only that, but his senses were also sharper than before. His vision was clearer, and his hearing also became more sensitive. Hence, the sounds of knocking from outside the courtyard could now drift into Saibot’s ears.

Saibot started and walked to the side of the house’s door. Under the moonlight, he peered through the gap and saw the figure of the little girl standing outside the courtyard’s gate.

It seemed that she had injuries on her body, and she was trembling slightly.

Saibot frowned. He originally didn’t want to bother about this, but the girl persisted and continued to knock lightly.

Hence, a long time later, Saibot finally pushed the door of the house open and walked out.

After seeing Saibot’s figure, the girl grew nervous. She bore the impulse to retreat and stared at Saibot through the bamboo gate.

“Is something the matter?” Saibot asked.

“I…I also obtained the residency right of the campsite a…and also found a job in the campsite.”

 The little stuttered a little as she spoke.

“Understood.” Saibot nodded and was about to turn and leave.

“Wait…Thank you. I came here to thank you,” said the girl hurriedly.

“No need to thank me. It was me who wanted to eat the snake. This has nothing to do with you.” After Saibot finished speaking, he returned to the house.

The girl pursed her lips as she looked at Saibot’s departing back. She suddenly spoke loudly.

“No matter what, I still have to thank you. This debt of gratitude…I will surely repay you in the future.” After she finished speaking, her figure ran away and vanished into the darkness.

Saibot, unfazed, returned to the house, feeling more confident about his future despite the lingering pain in his arm.

However, the faint piercing pain that originated from his left arm made him guess that the anomalous substances in his body must have been concentrated to a very high degree. Even the snake gallbladder didn’t manage to neutralize much.

At this moment, it was in the dead of the night, and there were no roars from ferocious beasts outside. Saibot then walked to his bedside and saw the clean bedding there before he took another look at his clothes, which were filled with dirt and grime.

He pondered a little before removing the clean bedding. After placing it to the side, he lay down on the wooden plank.

His hand instinctively grabbed the black-colored iron stick as waves of sleepiness surfaced. This iron stick was the companion he trusted the most.

Ever since he had found it after searching through the garbage many years ago, he had decided to bring it everywhere with him and use it as his own weapon after discovering how sharp and durable it was.

“I will search the campsite for a place that sells white pills tomorrow.”


Saibot didn’t immediately pay attention to the things for sale in the shop. Rather, he first took a look at the people in the surroundings who came to shop.

There were a total of seven people. Some were browsing through the items for sale, some had their heads lowered as they contemplated, and some were bargaining. Two among them, one skinny and one fat, seemed to be part of a group.

The fat guy had a rotund figure, while the skinny guy had a horse-like face. 

Their attitudes were unyielding, and spirit energy fluctuations that weren’t weak radiated from them. One of them was currently scolding the little girl as though he was very unsatisfied with her answers.

As the little girl anxiously apologized, Saibot began to check out the merchandise in the shop.

Things were the same as what he had guessed. This place was a general goods shop. There were alchemy pills, weapons, clothes, food, etc. They had everything.

Hence, he retracted his gaze and walked to the counter. He then calmly spoke as he looked at the shopkeeper who had an indifferent expression when he smoked a pipe. 

"How are the white pills sold?" Saibot inquired.

"The white pills are limited, so we only sell five of them per day. There are still two pills remaining in the quota today. Each pill costs 10 spirit coins," replied the shopkeeper, lifting his brows and giving Saibot a somewhat friendlier glance, perhaps because he recognized Saibot as the youth who had fought against the beasts the day before.

Despite mentally preparing himself for the price, Saibot couldn't help but frown slightly upon hearing it. 

His savings after these few years amounted to at most 20 to 30 spirit coins. However, the piercing pain from the mutation point on his arm didn't make him hesitate. 

He carefully counted out 20 spirit coins from his leather pouch and handed them to the shopkeeper.

Taking the coins, the shopkeeper retrieved a sack from a cabinet and tossed it to Saibot. Opening the sack, Saibot found two white-colored alchemy pills inside. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed that some parts of the surface layer of the pills had turned greenish, indicating a change in quality. 

They didn't seem very fresh, and there was no medicinal fragrance emitting from them. They appeared to be inferior pills.

"All white pills in the campsite are like this. We don’t have any pills with good appearances here. For this item, even if it is rotted, it will still have some effect. You can rest assured and consume them," the shopkeeper reassured Saibot with an insincere smile on his face, seeing Saibot's bewilderment.

Remaining cautious, Saibot decided not to consume the pills immediately. Instead, he planned to ask Litcht about them later. Packing them up, he prepared to leave the shop.

However, just as he was about to leave, a sharp gleam flashed in his eyes, and he swiftly dodged to the side. A hand landed where he had just been standing, grabbing at thin air.

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