
The corridor stretched before Alex and Eli, a twisted fusion of metal and organic matter. What might have once been sterile white walls now pulsed with bioluminescent veins, casting an eerie, shifting light. Their footsteps echoed strangely, as if the very air was denser here.

"This place gives me the creeps," Eli muttered, his eyes darting from side to side.

Alex nodded, his enhanced senses on high alert. Every instinct told him they were walking into danger, but he pushed forward. Somewhere in this maze of warped reality lay answers – and maybe, just maybe, a way to find Jaden.

They turned a corner and froze. Before them stood what could only be described as a living computer terminal. Tendrils of wire and flesh intertwined, forming a grotesque approximation of a keyboard and screen.

"Should we..." Eli hesitated, gesturing towards the abomination.

Alex steeled himself and approached. As he neared, the screen flickered to life, displaying a jumble of code and symbols that hurt to loo
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