Commotion inside The Restaurant

“You, How dare you insult me?!”Jessica widened her eyes, shocked and enraged.

She was the wife of Big eric Morgan! Everyone kissed the ground she walked on.

However, this gigolo had the guts to insult her to her face. He really had huge balls!

“So what if I insult you? If you keep humiliating Mia, I’ll slap you. You’d better believe it!” At that moment. Henry had a domineering expression.

Meanwhile, Mia looked at the scene with a tender gaze, cupping her cheek with one hand. There was a blissful smile on her face.

“Gigolo, I demand you get on your knees and apologize at once! Or else, there will be consequences!”Jessica was steaming out of her ears.

“Get on my knees and apologize? Are you worthy?” Henry snickered.

“Also, don’t say I didn’t warn you, but you really should head to the hospital for a check–up. You’re really sick!”

“You’re the sick one! Your entire family is sick!”Jessica gritted her teeth..

“Don’t believe me? Then let me ask you this–have you been experiencing headaches,
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