Chapter 7: Stay or Leave?
It has been two days since he came here. This is a dimension situated just outside the core planet of this world. Every world has a core; it can be a planet, or a god can just treat his or her own dimension as the core. Most of the gods were like Della and Yerra, who attached their dimensions to a planet, thus making it the core planet.

Two days ago, Della gave Anom two choices. The first was that he could just become a resident here and enjoy his life as a spirit. The second choice was that he could descend on any planet of his choice in this world.

He also found out about the practice or training of comprehending and controlling energy. Their levels might differ, but most of the worlds practices similar methods.

It was just like how humans on Earth were advancing their understanding of the world through breakthroughs in science. The creatures treated cultivation as their way of life.

Just like the holy novels! This was what Anom thought when he first found out about this. The gee

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