Chapter 8: Getting Taught Amidst Softness
Della began by explaining, "When you descend to the world down there, you will find yourself overwhelmed by a swarm of energy. As you have grown up in an energy deficient environment, it will be better if you prepare yourself beforehand in case you get harmed by the sudden influx of energy. But don't worry, your soul is powerful enough to withstand that. Just be careful, and you will be fine. Now let me tell you about how you can make use of and exert control over energy."

Anom straightened up as he listened to her with full focus.

"Any being, whether it is a human, animal, plant, or any other species, starts understanding about energy by observing the impact the energy has on themselves and their environment. Like how hot and cold waves affect the climate, how fire can burn as well as nurture, how water can decide the life and death of mortals by its flow, how gravity works, and many other ways in which energy interacts with a being. To be clear, everything is made up of energy; eve

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