The Trade

The abandoned factory loomed ahead, its rusted metal beams and shattered windows casting eerie shadows under the dim moonlight. The air was thick with tension as Adrian and Emma approached, their footsteps echoing softly against the cracked concrete floor. They knew this trade was a trap, a well-laid snare by Victor. Yet, they had no choice but to walk into it.

"Stay close," Adrian whispered, his voice barely audible. His eyes scanned the surroundings, every muscle in his body tensed for the inevitable confrontation.

Emma nodded, clutching the small device that could either save their lives or doom them. "I know it's risky, but we have to try," she replied, her voice steady but laced with underlying fear.

As they entered the main hall, the vast emptiness of the factory swallowed their presence. Broken machinery lay scattered around, remnants of a time when this place thrived with life. Now, it was a graveyard of industrial dreams, the perfect stage for a deadly

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