Training Begins

Adrian’s breath misted in the cool morning air as he stepped out of the cabin. The secluded woods around them were still, save for the occasional rustle of leaves. Emma and Caleb waited by the clearing, their faces set with determination.

"Ready?" Emma asked, her eyes searching his for any sign of hesitation.

Adrian nodded, though his stomach churned with unease. Since discovering his abilities, he’d felt like a ticking time bomb, unsure when he might explode and cause irreparable damage. Emma's soft features betrayed no fear, but Caleb’s stern gaze reflected the gravity of their situation.

“We’ll start with control exercises,” Caleb said, his voice steady. “You need to feel the power before you can direct it.”

Adrian closed his eyes, focusing inward. He could feel the energy pulsing within him, wild and untamed. Taking a deep breath, he tried to channel it, but it was like trying to catch smoke with his bar

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