It was five in the morning and the sun was coming up. It was still dark but getting lighter. I was absolutely knackered. A few hours sleep would not go a miss but I needed to keep going. I went to my supply of speed I had hidden it away alongside my other drugs. I didn't tell anyone I had them. Looking around to make sure no one was watching I took a small amount to keep me going. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down outside and had a fag. I was shocked to see a zombie walking through a field about one hundred metres away. I was concerned about seeing one so far away from any other houses. I saw an axe at the end of the house next to a pile of wood. I picked it up and walked to a metal gate that led into the field. The zombie didn't appear to have noticed me at this point. So I got the axe and banged on the gate softly. It stopped moving I was shocked at how sensitive its hearing was. I tapped again no louder than the first time. It looked to be sniffing the air. So tapped aga

Related Chapters
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 28th July
I was woken by the sound of the others down in the kitchen. My ears were still ringing from the shotgun the other day. I went downstairs after getting washed and brushed my teeth."Morning everybody.""Morning." everyone spoke in unison."Has anyone had any more thoughts on what they think we should do.""Sit down Sid. We have been talking already. Lucy has said that she is worried about the water we are fed from a natural spring at the moment.""Ok, that's a good point Red. What does everyone else think.""Well, I have suggested that Lucy gets on the Internet before it all goes down to find ways of distilling water and storing electricity. Gaz is worried about the fuel for all the vehicles.""OK has anyone had ideas about that.""Gaz has suggested that he and Earl go round the filling stations and fill containers.""And what about you Red.""Me personally I think that they are all great ideas but who am I to say.
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 29th July
The day before had taught us all a lesson about being quiet. We saw how much they are attracted to sound. We all wanted to say thank you to Itchy Coo."So what do you know about Itchy Coo then Sid"gaz had a massive cheesy smile on his face. Like he thought I was going to tell them something good."I don't know him I've met him a few times when I was younger. I used to go up on the moors to pick mushrooms to sell. I never dabble in hallosenagenics. Whereas Itchy eats mushrooms like sweets. People call him Itchy Coo because he lives in a tank and doesn't have a bath or shower so he stinks and is always scathing. He's about sixty at guess. That's all I know about him. "We talked for a bit longer and decided that me and Gaz would carry on with the fencing and the others would go for more supplies. This time we all went out armed and heavily clothed. It was just me and Gaz at the farm when we heard a car horn. We dropped everything and went to see what it wa
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 10th August
The last few days work had really got cracked on. We had built a good fence around the barns and house. We had got netting over the buildings and land inside the fence so we didn't have to worry about the birds as much. We had a strong gate at the end of the drive and we had enough food and ingredients to last the nine of us and Jessie at least five years. I'm not going to say that we are completely safe the fence needs strengthening and I have plans for traps. The girls were our main hunter-gatherers now it made sense until this place was properly fortified. Red and Earl had made water stills so we had safe water. They had been working on solar panels to power the house when the power eventually went down, but not got it worked out yet. It was around ten-thirty in the morning everyone was out doing their allocated jobs. Me and Gaz were out in the fields with the three-sixty mini digger. It wasn't ideal but it was better than using a shovel and pick to dig a large deep hole. We were
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 11th August
Everyone was up now. There was nothing during the night to speak of. We were all getting on with our jobs but keeping on our side of the fence as much as possible Gaz had a trials bike that we now took out with so we could catch anyone who was near quickly. We were all on pins though and after having no sleep me and Gaz were tetchy, to say the least. Me and Gaz were the only ones outside the fence still digging pits and setting traps we smashed up a load of glass and cemented the shards on top of the walls near our boundary. We had been working all morning. It had been harder without Jessie with us to spot and catch the birds. We were fully kitted out so they couldn't get us but we had to keep stopping to kill them. We went back to the farmhouse for some dinner. Everyone was there. We got sat down to eat when the power went off. It was daylight but the kettle went off the clock on the cooker went off but worst of all the burglar alarm started to go off. Gaz managed to get the alarm
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 12th August
I woke up buzzing I had not felt so good in a long time. Around the breakfast table, I spoke to everyone and let them know that I was going out to see who I could find I was going on the offensive. I was not willing to wait for them to come to us and catch us out. We were going to turn it around on them I wouldn't take a gun because I was going out on my Vespa and had nowhere to put one I took a couple of knives and my bat I strapped it onto the rack on the back of the Vespa everyone else was going to keep guard. I set off tooled up my phone was fully charged. I drove up and down roads looking for the car I had seen in the distance on the day of their visit. I had been out a couple of hours with no luck as of yet I don't know if it was luck. Because if I got caught I could end up dead. I decided to see if I could get close to the supermarket and sneak a look around being on my Vespa meant I could get around the abandoned cars easily deads were getting more and more common the closer
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 13th August
I got up around eight-thirty and got myself ready for a battle of wills. I had made my mind up to try and get James to join us. The others were not going to agree I knew that from yesterday. I was not over killing three people yesterday I couldn't get their faces out of my head. I could still see and smell the blood of the guy whose throat I accidentally cut. I don't think they will ever leave me but I can hope. I was getting to grips with the fact of the murders I had committed and justified them with the thoughts of it being them or us. I went downstairs I got sat down at the table with the others Earl was still in the barn. I spoke first."Morning I have been thinking about our guest all night and."I was cut off mid-sentence by red."We all spoke this morning before you got up. We have come to the agreement that what you say goes."I was silent for a few seconds and Gaz opened his mouth."Yeah, we will go with what you say. If he steps out of l
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 20th August
The last few days have been quiet but eventful. We had got thirty solar panels set up in a semi-circular form and Red had a plan the panels were wired up to batteries but we were giving them time to charge. We had been going around other farms and emptying the oil tanks for the heating and hot water. The bad things that had been happening were we had started to see more and more zombies wandering around closer to the farm all going in the same direction away from town. It was making life harder to scavenge supplies. We saw an attack and it was gruesome to see we tried to help but we were too far away. The man's screens were awful. He was ripped apart alive by four zombies his insides were out before he died he was still conscious after we had killed the zombies. We killed him out of mercy. We destroyed his brain to be on the safe side. James was best off staying at the farm when we went out. We had seen a few zombies around the farm of all sorts. James had not reacted well to seeing
Sid's Zombie Survival Guide 21'st August
"who's there." I tried to shout but the words came out in a whisper."it's me Earl take it easy I have some food.""Thanks, buddy but I can't eat. I can't see and I feel worse than ever.""Ok mate I will tell Red when I go back I thought you might want some Company. Everyone is worried sick about you and we will all be coming in to be with you."I couldn't help it I just started to cry I have never been so scared. Hearing that people were worried about me was something that I have never felt before. I was being a baby but didn't care who saw. Just a few hours ago I was able to see and felt good. Now my worst fear had happened I was blind. I sniffled."You can beat this. You have to we all want you to and if you do we have hope. Please.""I'm not giving up yet but what can I do now apart from wait.""Good now just relax OK."I had no idea on time. Me and Earl had been talking and it was good. The door opened.&n
Latest Chapter
The night has come
The night has comeWe were making our way into this tiny village of the dammed. I wanted to leave Bob behind but he started spouting a load of shit about you dot tell me what to do and I can keep up with the best of you. Blah blah blah. We were using parked cars for cover and so far so good. We hadn’t seen a zombie or a person yet but we can’t start counting chickens yet.Colin came up behind me and whispered in my ear.“You see that house there. The one with the black door.”I looked over to where he was pointing and had described. From what I could see it looked empty and unremarkable.“Yeah what about it?”“I saw something move.”“Something? Like what?”“Not sure could have been a Z.”“Ok keep your keen eyes peeled. Let the others know when you can.”That pissed on my bonfire. We had only just come into this place of death and decay. Already the dead had ben seen. The shop was close. Maybe only two-fifty. Three hundred meters away. It could still be empty when we get there if we ge
Night of the 1st
Night of the 1stIf I’m to be honest I didn’t think about the time when we set off to find Sid. In my head, we might find him on our way to here. Unfortunately, we didn’t. Now the light of day is going to soon fade and night is now a dangerous time for the living. Wright and the others were getting out of their vehicles and coming towards me and Bob. I climbed out.“Look we are going to have to camp here in our cars tonight unless you guys have a better idea. You know we can’t go running around in the dark anymore.”Red spoke first in his fucking posh voice that went through me like a hot knife through butter.“Yes, we agree with you on the fact that we can’t go out at night but. We have very little in the way of food and drink.”He was right. When he said we had very little he meant we had fuck all. James might have a chocolate bar in his pocket but that wouldn’t even see him through the night.Earl stepped forward.“We passed a small village back there. I know from back when I was a
November 1st
1st November“Bob where the fuck is Sid. I don’t give a shit about your rules about swearing now. You had best get talking or I’m letting April loose.”“Gaz? That’s you right?”“Yes now get on with it I need to help my friend.”Bob was a scary motherfucker and I hated him with a passion but right now he was my only way of helping Sid. All the others got out safe and we are now in an empty school. We worked together to clear it of the dead over the last two days after two days of travel. On the way we kept leaving markers hoping Sid would spot them. Lucy wasn’t taking it anywhere near as easy as she should have been but what do I know as she keeps telling me? Bob was talking and looking at me like that was where he fired his knives from.“He ran and I was under the car where he shoved me. I closed my eyes and prayed that I wouldn’t be seen. It felt like a lifetime under there trying not to breathe or make a sound. The zombies just kept suffering along. Could I get a drink of water plea
27th part 5
27th part 5As predicted we broke through the last few walls and we’re now stood in the last house. This house had not been loved by the previous occupants or the looters. It was a proper shit tip. Rubbish covered the floors. Wall paper was black with mold and peeling. In one room the ceiling had come down. My first impression was that this place had been abandoned for decades. There was a calendar on the wall that was from this year blowing my theory out of the water. Bob took great pleasure in pointing out my failings in deductions.“Yeah Sid it must have been empty since the fifties at least. Look at the LCD. Must be at least one maybe two years, old.”This pleasure went on for several minutes. As Bob spoke his tone changed into a higher pitch than normal just to show me how sarcastic he was being. At one point he started valuing things like an auctioneer. Looking at labels and sell-by dates on food and appraising it like it was an antique. By this point, I was getting ready to wal
27th part 4
27th part 4It didn’t take long to find a claw hammer. Not the best tool for the job but it will do for now. I crouched next to the deciding wall in the loft and laid my hand flat on it.“You see this wall Bob. It’s out way out.”“Catch me up lad I'm lost.”“These houses were built in the sixties. These blocks are very weak breeze blocks. On top of this bonus the wall is only one skin up here. When I say one skin. I mean that this is all that stands between us and next door. With this hammer I can make a hole big enough to fit through in about fifteen minutes. There is going to be five more until the end of the terrace. By the time we get there I reckon that the zombies will be far enough away for us to make our escape and we will be on the opposite side of the building to the dogs and five doors away. What do you think?”“I think you should shut up and start making a hole.”So I did. As I thought the blocks were weak and once I had made a small hole it was easy. The whole got bigger
27th part 3
27th part 3Before I could react Bob had one of the beasts flying through the air towards his face. In the blink of an eye, he had skillfully put a knife through its temple. The dog dropped to the floor limp and lifeless. The dark brown almost black blood trickled from its new wound.Now wasn’t the time for me to admire Bob's handy work. He had a dog bounding towards him and I had one flying through the air like a bad superhero. It would have amused me if it was wearing a mask and cape. It wasn’t it was covered in blood mattered hair dirt of all kinds and was like all other things that were dead rotting.With a powerful blow the thing hit me and hard. As I was going down the weight of it shifted to my left. One knife handle sticking out of it’s eye. Bob's hands were empty and there was another dog on his way and more we’re coming from other directions. There was nothing for it. I had to carry Bob and run. I doubt he is going to like this but tough shit if he wants to live.“Bob hand n
27th part 2
27th part 2The sound was getting louder and louder. The moans and groans. Shuffling sounds of the dead coming. This was the sound and smell of death walking and I didn’t need to experience this again. Not now. My radio crackles to life and the voice of Write comes through.“Sid this is bad. Huge conga line of zombies coming your way and they look like they are tied together.”“Ok get yourselves out of here spread the word. I will get Bob and meet you.”“No that’s suicide. There are hundreds of the things coming your way.”“You haven’t seen Bob in action. I think. No I know we can do this.”I lied. I was no way I was as confident as I was trying to show. There was a definite chance I was going to die. Had I just had enough and this was my way of going without a bye. My hand clicked off my radio.The herd wasn’t in sight yet but this looked like my only chance to leave this house. The place looked deserted. Normal people had vanished almost completely but zombies were coming on mass no
27th October
27th OctoberPositions were taken. We had walkie talkies to communicate with each other. I was the one nearest to where Mr Stainburn was going to be meeting me. Gaz Earl and Write had taken up sniper positions giving me a bit of protection. Itchy was parked close by in his tank waiting for a signal off anyone to drive in and pick me up if it all went to shit. The girls and kids were in two cars parked about ten miles away hopefully out of harms way. Colin was acting like a messenger to run between us if anything went wrong with our radios. Red was holding back with rounds of ammunition so that if the others got caught they would only lose limited supplies. If Red was caught as well then we were fucked. Now Bob was missing. He told me he would do what was needed and that I didnt tell him. The grumpy old cunt just got in his car last night and fucked off.I was in a house opposite where I was meant to meet the biggest prick on the planet. It wasn’t an easy mission to accomplish. To get
26th part 2
26th part 2The plan was sort of in my head now and while everyone was here I thought it was a good time to start saying it out loud.“Colin. I have a little job for you. Make some drinks. I’m going to get water-hungry. The word escapes me right now. You know when you need a drink?”“Thirsty?”Colin answered me looking unsure of what I was talking about.“Yeah, that’s the word. Now everyone listen up get a pen and paper if you need. Are you all ready?”They all nodded except the old guy. He put his hand up.“Yes errr…. What’s your name? I haven’t asked yet.”“I'm Bob. Can I go to the toilet before you start?”“Fuck me Bob. Yes go be as quick as you can though.”“I asked you not to swear around me and told you you don’t tell me I tell you. That’s my last warning to you all.”He left after his few words. Gaz got really angry again.“Who the fuck is this old guy to talk to any of us like that. He has no say in what happens. We don’t know him or fuck all. He has only just told you his fuc