Chapter 11.

Slade felt a blow to his chest at this instant. When he walked in on Mariana and she had turned to look at him, he had thought that she would feel remorseful at least, but looking at the way the things were going... Was she calling security on him? Really? Was she not even taken aback to see him? Couldn't she at least pretend that she cared that he just got out of prison?

He realised that if he let her continue to scream on top of her voice, something else might happen, and he might not end up sorting out his bothers and worries.

He shut his eyes for a moment and took charge of the atmosphere in the room. Concentrating helped him control everything that was around him. With the manipulation of the energy frequencies, he was easily able to break into the mind of Mariana.

Doing this, he could suppress the mind of Mariana and make her lose her thinking ability for a moment.

What he was doing right now was similar to what he did to Candyce when she had fallen into the river. With the aura and energy oozing from Slade's body, he could make the brain of his victim static and unresponsive for a moment.

Although during the situation with Candyce, he had to touch her because he was in close contact with her. But in the case of Mariana, who was standing a couple of distances away from him, he had to use a double reception to highten the frequency. Thereby employing his aura as a tool to make her brain signals fluctuate.

All of this happened under a second, and Mariana could not even shout anymore. She didn't know what was happening to her. She just felt stressed in her head and suddenly felt a slight headache.

She ceased from the screaming and just glared at Slade. She had no idea that Slade had done this, so she couldn't possibly blame him.

Slade was staring directly at her. When he had left his Mamita back at home, his mind was really busy. He had a lot of questions to ask Mariana. When he accosted his ex mother-in-law and father-in-law, his questions piled up, and he couldn't wait to meet Mariana.

But right now that Mariana was just standing a few steps away from him, his head became blank. He just couldn't bring himself to ask the multiple questions he had prepared.

The way she was acting and the fact that she called the security on him made him almost lose his mind. Maybe he expected too much from her. Maybe he shouldn't have expected that much from her.

He opened his mouth slowly to pour his heart out to her,

"Why?" That was the only word that fell from his lips. "What is going on, Mariana?" His brain made further effort to give more context to his worries.

Mariana just stood there glaring. Her facial expression suggested that she was staring at a garbage can. As though Slade were some heap of filth. The disgust in her face was beyond measure.

"Why do you make it sound that way?" Mariana suddenly said.

When she said this, Slade suddenly became interested. What she had just said had the potential of becoming an anticlimax. Slade could only hope at this point.

She started to walk closer to him. She stopped again. She had decided to walk closer because she wanted him to hear her clearly. But also, she didn't want to get too close to him. She must have her own reasons.

"If you say it that way, then you make it sound like I've always liked you." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

When she scoffed, she pressed two of her fingers to the corner of her left eye to fix something.

"This fool will make me ruin my makeup." She grunted in displeasure, wishing that Slade would vanish into thin air already.

Slade didn't even know what to feel at this point anymore. He had thought that she was about to say something warm when she had said the first statement. It seemed like he got his hopes up for no reason.

"Let me make it extremely clear to you, ex-convict." Mariana continued, raising her voice a little bit higher with lots more boldness.

Slade's veins were pulsing, and his eyes were growing really darker! How could someone like her call him an ex-convict? If it wasn't for her, would he have ever neared the prison his whole life?! Rage burst out in him!

"I was doting on you back then because your family was the hottest thing in the market back then. I thought that dating someone like that would help me gain a dignified social status. It will put me leagues ahead of my friends and mates." She stopped talking for a while as an evil smirk cut across her face.

"Let me even tell you. Six months before you left from prison, I already started hating you. I mean, it wasn't like I've ever liked you. Everything was just for the gain! But when your family's Nyther-Rim Groups was on the verge of bankruptcy six months before you went to prison, I've been looking for a way to break up with you!" She exclaimed.

"You stopped being useful to me ever since that time! You couldn't even buy me a common Hermès Birkin bag. The 11th Lowry edition jewelry was my biggest fantasy back then! You couldn't get it for me. You made my friend steal the spotlight and buy it! You made her steal my shine! I hated you with all of my heart." Her face had turned red, flushed with hate.

"It was such a big relief that you went to the prison. I was able to finally get rid of you." She chuckled as she stopped talking.

At this point, there was a great commotion happening in Slade's body. His spiritual energies and qi properties have been hightened to the extent that all his body organs were beginning to work times hundred their speed. He was caught up in utmost rage.

"Was that why you chose to marry, Vixton? That demon Vixton, whose family burnt my house, hurt my nanny, and even sent construction workers to demolish the house?" Slade asked, trying so hard to suppress the commotion happening in his body.

"Your nanny. Is she still alive?" Mariana scoffed. "That wench is so hard to kill." She said under her breath, not wanting Slade to hear. But Slade caught it.

His eyes turned into blood this time, and he wanted to charge at her.

She continued, laughed softly.

"How can you even prove that Vixton killed your family? Do you have any evidence? You can't even prove it! Unlike you, whom everyone knows as a murderer!" She chuckled. "Who knows, maybe the death of your family is a punishment from the Lord. To rid pollution from the earth..." She cackle

Slade sharply realized that she had not denied that Vixton was the murderer of his entire family.

In a way, it was also an admission.

It seems the rumors are true. Slade was seething with rage. He could snap her neck and then rip her head off her body if he wanted to.

But he rubbed his sole against the floor.

She was right. Slade had no evidence now and could make no accusations. What he needed to do next was to slowly uncover the true faces of these people.

He would have his revenge. Soon, he would make those who had taken everything from him wish they were dead.

Perhaps misunderstanding Slade's silence, Mariana laughed even more wildly.

"Maybe I should invite you to my wedding," she said, "so you, the incompetent fool, can experience the world of the elite."

"Okay," Slade replied.

"What did you say?" Mariana was taken aback. She had intended to humiliate Slade with this offer, not expecting him to agree. 

"I said, okay," Slade said with a bloody grin, "As long as you don’t mind if your wedding turns into a funeral."

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