Chapter 20

Up to this moment, Slade should have gotten used to this new side of Linda, but he was still struggling a little bit. It wasn't as though he was expecting anything from her, but seeing her go from doting on him to yelling and wanting to kill him was just something that he still found very strange.

There was no reason for him to stay where he was not welcomed. In fact, staying here would bring out no good in the first place.

"Don't be too harsh on him, mother." Vixton turned to Linda as she got to them.

Linda's eyes were extremely red with rage. If eyes could kill, Slade would have been buried eight feet deep into the abyss of the earth. Every string or note of caring had disappeared from her eyes.

"I understand what his frustration is." Vixton continued.

Everyone was a little interested in what he was talking about. Of course, they knew that he didn't like Slade, but what was this he was saying?

"He must have been dying to see a day like this. I mean, who wouldn't. Let alone some
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