All Chapters of Slade Nyther; Repaying all Malfeasance: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
28 chapters
Chapter 1.
A young man stepped out through the gate of the most robust and formidable walls of the prison.His name is Slade Nyther. It has been three years since he went to prison in place of his girlfriend.Three years ago, Mariana, his girlfriend, came running with tears streaming down her face, hoping that Slade would attend traffic court on her behalf as the driver. She claimed to have been speeding—a misdemeanor punishable by up to three months in prison.She begged him, saying she didn't want to have a criminal record. She had just been accepted into university and was starting her life.Slade loved and trusted her too much. They were about to get married!But reality was not as it was preached when Slade got into prison. He was accused of being a hit-and-run murderer!Mariana seemed as panicked as he was. She told Slade that she had no idea how things had turned out this way and that she would do everything she could to get him out as soon as possible.She claimed that she would take c
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Chapter 2.
Slade stood there like a log of wood that had just fallen into a pool of icy water. He felt stiff and immovable as he tried to process those few words that his nanny had just uttered.He slowly heaved the nanny from his chest and walked back to the building. He was shocked out of his wits. It could even be said that his actions now are but instinctive.He slowly pushed the door open, which fell away at his touch. Earlier, before he heard his name called by her, he had looked through a blow in the door to see the inside. But right now, the debris of the interior of his once beautiful home stood right their in front of him like a ghastly nightmare.Charred woods, melted plastics, shattered glasses, broken porcelain, and several other fire residues littered the whole room. Slabs of latte blackness crawling all over the walls. The ceilings were displaced, and the whole space was in ruins. A ruin that can hardly be fixed.Just staring at this, Slade heart became water! He knew what this
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Chapter 3.
Anger swept over Slade like a violent storm!But even in this utmost rage, the first thing that came to mind was helping Mamita from the ground. She looked helpless and extremely weak on the ground. He slowly lifted her up until he was certain that her feet were stable. He helped her to the back, a distance from the construction workers. He placed both of his palms gently on her shoulders. "Please stay here. Those pigs would wish they were never born." Slade promised, bloodlust and rage struggling in his eyes. When Mamita saw his eyes, she felt chills all over her body. Who was this grown man standing in front of her? Was he really the same Slade that she fed and nursed? She could only but move her head as Slade instructed. Even if she wanted to argue, she couldn't find her voice. There was a mark of the leader's hand printed on her face. There was pain all over her neck, too. Even while she was in pain, she couldn't help but worry about Slade's safety. Slade turned
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Chapter 4.
Slade's eyes gained a strange strength as he realised what was about to happen. He couldn't just stand there and watch his nanny be crushed to death by the gigantic tyres of this mighty bulldozer.There was no one in the bulldozer. It must be that the driver had gotten out too hastily and hadn’t set the brake properly, causing it to move on its own.He was a couple of distances away from her and didn't want to risk the timing. There was a big stone just right next to his left foot.He quickly picked it up without any stress. The stone should weigh at least 40 pounds. It looked like one of the parts of the house that had popped out during the fire.Without having a second thought, he threw the stone towards one of the front tyres of the bulldozers. The precision was topnotch, and it balanced right when the tyre was about to be steered in the other direction.A big roar was heard, and the engine of the bulldozer came to a stop. The force was sudden and had probably damaged something in
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Chapter 5.
Slade stomped his left leg on the ground, and off he went. There was no point digging deep into the assumptions while he stood there. The first necessity was saving the girl from drowning. As soon as his body made contact with the river after the dive, his head went gliding through the surface for a few seconds before he submerged his whole body into the water. Barely had he spent a minute in the water when he his head popped out of the water, a shawl of flood pouring from both sides of his head. Clutched to his chest was the girl who was barely breathing. With the girl in his arms, he climbed out of the water and slowly placed her body on the ground, supporting her back with his sturdy arm. The girl had swallowed a lot of water, and her lush blonde hair had turned into rolls of ropes. She was unconscious. Her face was pale, looming at the near-death omen. Her lips were blue, and she already looked like life was just a puff away, about to be blown off. "Let's take her to the
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Chapter 6.
"What do you mean by this?" Slade's face held a very strong note of seriousness. His facial expression was so stiff that the man was beginning to question his own decision. The man cleared his throat and withdrew his hand for a second. He held a bolder stance and took a step closer to Slade and Mamita. "I don't want you to be offended by this. But in all truthfulness, I won't be happy if you don't take this token of gratitude from me. You have done a very great thing by saving my daughter. Please allow me to show my gratitude with this little token." The man was very intentional about his decision. Slade didn't say a word yet about it. He inspected the clothes of the man for the first time. He realised that the design of the overall winter coat looked very simple, but the intricate carving in the hems and collars was quite unique. Like a limited-edition casual wear. Also, judging by the manner at which the man was talking and the way he would carry himself, it was now obvious to S
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Chapter 7.
There was an unusual silence between Slade and Mamita as they walked away from the scene. "Why didn't you accept the money?" Mamita finally asked. She had wanted to ask the question earlier, but she didn't want to do it in the presence of a stranger. She had respected his decision in public, but she wanted to understand why he had chosen not to take the money. It was a handsome amount that anyone would have taken at the first thought. Slade took a gaze at her. He understood her concerns. If she had not asked the question, he would have thought that something was wrong. A part of him already knew that the question was unavoidable. "While I was in prison, I learned a lot. Someone told me that helping someone shouldn't be centered on the premise of rewards. That if getting rewarded was why a help was rendered, then it was not necessary in the first place." Slade explained. "Money might end up being a harbinger of disaster. That was why." Slade came to a stop. He watched as Mamita n
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Chapter 8.
The tone of the voice was hoarse. Just hearing the voice alone, Slade could deduce that the owner of the voice was not trying to have a conversation with him. The tone was as judgemental as it could get.Slade slowly turned around to see a tough looking man dressed in a neat pair of suits. In his left hand was a baton, and strapped to his waist was a walkie-talkie.The man looked at Slade from head to toe. Slade was still dressed in the clothes he wore out of prison. He looked rather too simple and very closely tattered."I'm sure you missed your way. Let me help you find it." The security man said to Slade, walking towards him to grab him.Slade quickly held out one of his hands to stop the man. The man stopped with no clue. It was a sudden decision that was relatively harmless. He just wanted Slade to leave. With the way Slade was dressed, it was obvious that he was not fit for this occasion. The only interest the security man had in Slade was to throw him out."I'm where I should b
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Chapter 9.
Three years ago, Mrs Paxton used to treat him like her own son.She would go to the extreme of preparing some traditional decoction for him if he had the slightest fever or cold.Is this her true nature? How could she be so cruel to him? Does this mean that she is also in support of the wedding?"Come to your senses, Pauper! Do you really think that my only daughter will marry an ex-convict?! Wake up, or do you want Matthew to slap you back into reality?! Do you want to ruin the life of my beautiful daughter? "Mrs. Paxton had lost all the remaining cool she was keeping."Linda! Linda!" A masculine voice was heard.Everyone looked to see a middle-aged man dressed in a pair of Thompson suits and shiny shoes. He looked very well tailored and classy. Mr Paxton."I've been looking for you. Where did you go? The groom is being presented. The bride, our lovely daughter, will be presented soon. You should be in the church." Mr Paxton said before he looked.When he saw Slade, he recognized Sl
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Chapter 10.
Although time passed by quickly after he left the girl and the old man by the river, he didn't think he would see her so soon.The lady now looked a lot better, happier. Slade could sigh in relief. But when he realised where she was, he couldn't help but wonder again. Does she perhaps live here? Because she didn't look (dress) like someone who was here for the wedding."Good day, miss." Matthew's face turned warm when he saw the beautiful lady. There was a fat smile on his face.When the lady looked up and saw Slade, she was surprised. She recognized him instantly."This fool here has come to cause trouble," Matthew explained to the lady. "You're just in time; this thief might have stolen or copied your father's ring. We're about to take him to the police station."Father! The Paxtons were stunned as they looked at the girl in front of them.She's the only daughter of Jendall Kurtis. The heiress of the Kurtis mighty family!Although Candyce was the only daughter of her father, she was
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