Chapter 3.

Anger swept over Slade like a violent storm!

But even in this utmost rage, the first thing that came to mind was helping Mamita from the ground. She looked helpless and extremely weak on the ground.

He slowly lifted her up until he was certain that her feet were stable. He helped her to the back, a distance from the construction workers.

He placed both of his palms gently on her shoulders.

"Please stay here. Those pigs would wish they were never born." Slade promised, bloodlust and rage struggling in his eyes.

When Mamita saw his eyes, she felt chills all over her body. Who was this grown man standing in front of her? Was he really the same Slade that she fed and nursed?

She could only but move her head as Slade instructed. Even if she wanted to argue, she couldn't find her voice.

There was a mark of the leader's hand printed on her face. There was pain all over her neck, too.

Even while she was in pain, she couldn't help but worry about Slade's safety.

Slade turned around from her and started to walk towards the group of men. The men were laughing as they mocked and cursed relentlessly at the nanny.

When they saw Slade coming, the laugh started to die out. The bold walk of Slade, his dead eyes, imposing figure, and very deadly aura oozing from his body left all the men clueless.

It was hard to tell if this was still the man they had all yelled at earlier.

Suddenly, the leader of the construction workers moved closer to Slade. He stopped. The aura of Slade was too intimidating for him to come any closer.

The leader had no idea that this constraint he was feeling inside was because of Slade's aura, so he couldn't tell the difference and keep his distance away.

"Hold on. I was right!!!" The leader suddenly exclaimed. "You're the boy who went to prison three years ago!" He cackled.

"How do you know me?" Slade asked, his eyes widening.

The leader didn’t answer but instead burst into laughter.

As soon as the leader made this comment, the rest of the workers started chattering.

Slade could hear all sorts of demeaning comments made against him, but he didn't mind.

There was no point explaining anything to these fools. Even if he told them the truth, they would believe what they already believed.

"The crazy bastard who killed an innocent man has returned." The leader yelled. "Who else deserves to die more than you? I'll be doing you a great favor by killing you. Your life is already miserable."

Slade didn't think he would be able to take these insults any longer. Although these are mere words that held no threat, yet he just wanted to be done with these fools.

His nanny was not in a good state. He could tell that she must be going through hell with the neck pain.

The leader of the group suddenly pressed one of his fingers to his lips, a gesture of deep-thinking.

"I had a change of mind. Instead of killing you, wouldn't it be better to make you witness a nerve-wracking scene?" The man laughed, his yellow teeth boofing.

Slade took a step closer. There was urgency in his face.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Slade demanded, running his eyes all over the face of the man.

"Oh, right. How can you know? You were just released. You wouldn't know what is happening in Pinnancle County. Let alone the biggest news in all of the country today!" The leader scoffed.

"Speak in plain words!" Slade ordered. He was already losing his patience.

The leader was stunned by how bold Slade was, but since he had something mean to say to Slade, he quickly pushed the gloomy feeling aside.

While Slade was waiting, he saw one of the construction workers whispering something into the ears of the leader. The leader pushed the man away and laughed.

"So what if he didn't kill the innocent man? So what if he went to prison for his girlfriend? What matters is that the girl he went to prison for is getting married today!" The leader cackled.

Slade almost lost his bearing at first. What did this man just say? Was he saying the truth, or was he trying to aggravate him?

Suddenly, Mamita broke out in tears again. Slade turned around to see what was happening to her. When he saw the way she was crying, he intelligently deduced the meaning.

So it seemed the leader was not bluffing. Was his ex-girlfriend really getting married to someone else today? How worst can today get for Slade?

From getting out of prison hoping for freedom, to mistaking his nanny for his granny, then to finding out about what happened to his family, then to this, and finally, his ex-girlfriend?

Why? Why is this happening? Didn’t she promise him…

No, it's not the time to think about this.

Slade shook the thoughts off. Mamita was shocked. She thought that after Slade found out about the engagement of her ex that he would break down and cry like a baby. She knew how much he loved his ex.

Instead, Slade's eyes darkened, turning into coal as he turned back to the men.

"You had better start running to the Paxton house right now before you miss the show. I'm sure that you can never ever witness anything as opulent and extravagant as the wedding happening today. Do you even know whom she's getting married to? Vixton Langley! The mighty Vixton Langley from the Langley family!!!"

The Langley family.

The family that sent these men to come and destroy his family house, is the same family his ex-girlfriend is marrying in to?

Doesn't she know about what this family's henchmen had done to his family?

Didn't she promise to protect his family?

Is this what he gets after going to prison for her?

Slade didn't want to dwell on these feelings for now. His hand twitched, and he fisted his palm.

He took two bold steps forward, and right now, he was towering over the leader of the construction workers.

"Apologize to her right now, and I'll spare your life." Slade said coldly as he stared death into the eyes of the leader.

The murderous intent was rising deep inside of Slade, and his jaws tightened so hard.

"Spare my life? Did you just say spare my life?" The eyes of the leader had turned red as he yelled.

He felt extremely insulted by what Slade had just said. How dare this miserable and helpless cunt dare to say such blasphemy!

He wielded a punch in that very instance and threw it towards Slade's face, with an intention to crack Slade's jaws and make his teeth fall all over the place.

But with just a palm, Slade stopped the punch, gripped the fist, twisted the arm anticlockwise about 45 degrees, and then added a little pressure.


The connecting bone of the elbow broke in the leader's arm, and he started to cry like a baby.

Slade almost ripped the arm off but didn't for some reason.

"Kill him! Kill that bastard! Reduce him to a pulp!!!" The leader screamed with every strength left he's got.

In the blink of an eye, all the construction workers swarmed at Slade like ants.

Without breaking a sweat, Slade caught all the fists thrown at him. He had no trouble using the fists of the men against each other until teeth were all over the ground.

He had someone's leg in his arm and was about to break the knee off, popping the bones out when he heard a scream.


It was Mamita!

A loud noise followed the scream.

A bulldozer was driving recklessly towards them.

And Mamita was directly in front of the bulldozer!

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