Chapter 8.

The tone of the voice was hoarse. Just hearing the voice alone, Slade could deduce that the owner of the voice was not trying to have a conversation with him. The tone was as judgemental as it could get.

Slade slowly turned around to see a tough looking man dressed in a neat pair of suits. In his left hand was a baton, and strapped to his waist was a walkie-talkie.

The man looked at Slade from head to toe. Slade was still dressed in the clothes he wore out of prison. He looked rather too simple and very closely tattered.

"I'm sure you missed your way. Let me help you find it." The security man said to Slade, walking towards him to grab him.

Slade quickly held out one of his hands to stop the man. The man stopped with no clue. It was a sudden decision that was relatively harmless. He just wanted Slade to leave. With the way Slade was dressed, it was obvious that he was not fit for this occasion. The only interest the security man had in Slade was to throw him out.

"I'm where I should be, please. I need to see someone. You can just ignore me." Slade explained to the man.

The security man was glaring at Slade this time. His eyes were growing really darker with shades of rage. It seemed like Slade was really a troublemaker who wouldn't leave unless he was forced.

"I'm trying so hard to be civil with you here, Mr. tattered clothes. Don't make it difficult for both of us. Leave right now, or I'll make you!!" The security man yelled.

There was no way a man dressed like Slade was invited to a wedding like this. 

This wedding is not any kind of wedding. It was a marriage alliance, including one of the powerful families in Pinnacle County.

There were a lot of CEOs who wanted to be here today but couldn't because their social status was not enough. How much more someone like Slade who looked almost homeless and poorly dressed.

"What is going on here?" A sudden feminine voice came out of nowhere.

The security guard was the first to turn. The loud voice of the security man had alerted some other people in the area, and there was someone approaching them.

There was a beautiful middle-aged woman walking toward them. She wore a very stylish gown that looked a little bit exotic for someone her age, but she had a grace that complimented the dressed.

"Matthew, what is this noise?" The woman asked as soon as she got to them.

When Slade heard the voice, his ears became perked. The voice was very familiar. He knew the owner of the voice.

When he turned, his eyes shone. He was not wrong. His guess was as right as his eyes.

"Mrs Paxton?" Slade didn't even know when those words flew out of his mouth.

Calling her name, Mrs Paxton reluctantly took her eyes off Matthew to look at the person who had just called her name.

Her gaze first dropped on the shoes of the man. The shoes looked extremely old and out of class. The pants were baggy and faded, and the top was no better. 

How can someone who's dressed like a beggar dare to mention her name? She felt insulted!

But when her eyes met the face of the man who had just called her name, her eyes squinted. Then, almost immediately, disgust filled every corner of her face.

"Slade?" Saying the name almost made her puke!

Slade nodded his head firmly, "Yes, it's me, Mrs. Paxton. It's your son-in-law, Slade." There was excitement shooting up in Slade's face.

"I just got released today and heard some unpleasant new. Some rumors that my girlfriend is getting married to someone else today. I didn't believe it. How could I? You will not allow it, Mrs. Paxton. You always wished that your daughter and I would get married. I don't know what happened, or maybe you were threatened, but I have come to ---"

"Why do these paupers talk so much?" Mrs Paxton suddenly cut Slade short in disgust.

Slade was taken aback by both the look on her face and the tone of her voice. 

It didn't seem like she was struggling to play that role. This role looked already like a big part of her!

"You got out of prison today? What am I supposed to do about that, then? Throw some freedom party for you? What a joke!" Mrs Paxton rolled her eyes, sneering at Slade.

" Mrs. Paxton, what are ---"

"If you dare to call me again, I will stick my heels in your mouth." Mrs Paxton was not even making an attempt to hold herself back!

Slade was in extreme shock. 

Three years ago, Mrs Paxton used to treat him like her own son.

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