Chapter 31. Back To Dorothy

"You are so arrogant!" Cory muttered as he entered Cleo's seemingly deserted house that afternoon.

Cleo, witnessing her partner venting without any resistance, approached to inquire about the issue bothering the man who worked as a professional football player. "What's the matter?"

Cory slumped heavily on the sofa with a gloomy expression. “I defended Dorothy in front of Dennis, but instead of being grateful, she irritated me by claiming she didn't deserve to know my true identity!" Cory snapped, turning to face Cleo.

Recognizing his frustration, Cleo nodded and fetched a cold drink from the refrigerator before returning to Cory's side and handing it to him. "I understand your anger. She can be quite bothersome. "If it weren't for needing her help to get back at Dennis, I would also hesitate to collaborate with her,"

Cory sighed and continued speaking. “She mentioned that our partnership was over. "So we can move on without involving her," Cor

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