Chapter 36. Looking for Ricky.

I will find him!" Dennis shouted, unable to accept what had happened to his lover.

He then exited the room and summoned all his guards without exception. He was definitely displeased with being betrayed, particularly by the man he had recently forgiven for this grave offense. He also enlisted the help of some locals to locate Ricky using the descriptions he provided, offering a handsome reward to anyone who could deliver Ricky to him unharmed.

Two hours later, Ricky's location was finally uncovered. The mischievous man was located at the Denpasar City bus terminal, seemingly trying to travel to another island by ferry.

Upon receiving the information, Dennis dispatched two more individuals to the terminal, hoping they would promptly deliver Ricky to him to answer for his mistreatment of Olivia, his girlfriend.

After a brief wait, the vehicle transporting Ricky arrived at the hotel where Dennis was residing. In a loud voice, Dennis made his wa

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