2. The Useless Fiancé

Chapter Two

"Boss, where are we going?" Chad asked Declan who was busy on the phone.

"Take me home, the Police Commission wants to see me," Declan said, his mind still on the phone as he checked the stock markets to make sure his money and investments were doing well.

He usually did this at night, but last night was a mystery to him, he didn't know who the lady was and how he ended up spending the night with her.

He only remembered going jogging last night, but he's a busy guy and doesn't have time to think about silly things like that. He did feel a pang of guilt, though, because the lady was indeed a virgin.

Chad drove the car into a large mansion at the far end of town. The gates and walls were so high and the security so tight that the automated gates even required fingerprints before they would open.

Declan stepped out of the car and into the massive living room, which had high ceilings with drooping chandeliers made of real diamonds.

"Ahh, Doctor Declan. I'm so honoured to see you. Thank you for inviting me to your magnificent home," the police commissioner said as he stood up when he saw Declan enter the living room.

"I'll be right back," Declan said with a bored tone as he used his private elevator to go up to his master bedroom and take a quick shower.

Declan's eyes widened as he saw the fingernail bruises on his back and shoulders, obviously from the woman's nails.

"Were we that rough that night? Did she enjoy it and she looks gentle yet feisty with those hazel eyes of hers. I don't even know her name," Declan thought to himself before changing into simple black pants and a black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal some of his tattoos.

"Welcome back, Boss." the police chief said, dropping to his knees as Declan returned to the living room.

"You don't have to do that, Chief. Get us a Whiskey," Declan said and a man in a uniform that looked like what waiters wear in 5 star hotels appeared out of nowhere with a glass tray containing icy whiskey and 2 cups before disappearing again.

"Don't kneel down, have some whiskey and tell me your problem," Declan, who likes to keep his true identity a secret, said humbly before sitting down and facing the policeman with an intimidating look.

"I can't sit down, I really need your help. It's a matter of life and death," the police chief pleaded.

"My problem with you is that you sometimes make unjust decisions by arresting innocent poor people and putting them behind bars," Declan said.

"I beg you, I'm sorry, and I'm usually forced to do this by politicians. I'm ready to pay for my sins. You can ask me for anything in the world, I need your help," the chief said desperately, still on his knees.

"What's the problem?" asked Declan.

"My wife is sick, I love her with all my life and she's dying. I've taken her all over the world to see the best doctors, but she keeps getting worse and the doctors don't even know what's wrong with her. Please help me, I love my wife and I don't want her to die. I've heard you're a good doctor and I know you can help her," the chief begged.

"I don't have time to treat patients, I have a billion dollar empire and company to run," Declan said casually sipping his whiskey.

"Time is not on our side, I will do anything. I mean everything in my position to help you, and I've bought some little presents for you, a little gift” the chief said, standing up to open the stainless steel briefcase beside him. He dropped it on the table.

"Open it," Declan said and quickly opened it, his hands shaking. Inside were new $100 bills. 5 million dollars in cash.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Declan said, his eyes narrowed in anger.

"No, I dare not. I know this money means nothing to you, but take this, my life's savings, as an appreciation gift in advance of the treatment. I would rather lose everything and have my wife, the mother of my children, with me. "The commissioner said.

"I don't take bribes and I work with an honest mind, I don't need your money. You can take it and go help the poor and needy," Declan said dryly.

"Please have mercy on me and my family. Even as a new doctor when you were in prison, you've done exceptionally well and you're my last hope," the commissioner begged.

"All right, I will help you but on one condition."

"Anything, I’m willing to do anything to see my wife healthy again” replied the police commander.

"I want you to help me find a girl, she’s my sister and her name is Zara. She disappeared 7 years ago when our house was attacked and my parents got killed right in front of me…the police didn’t help us because we were poor but maybe they will know something about her whereabouts” Declan said seriously, his sister was his only family on earth.

"Send me an email containing her pictures and details, I promise to do my best to look for her," the chief promised.

After the meeting, Declan rushed to go meet his fiancée's family for an emergency arranged marriage which was a decision he was forced to make out of loyalty.

Grandfather Kingston is the only adult who ever supported his dreams by giving him the black ring.

This ring gives him 3 great secret powers.

Grandfather Kingston now has terminal cancer and is dying.

His dying wish was for Declan to marry his first and favourite granddaughter, who is sweet as an angel. According to him, she took care of him even better than the nurses when his cancer got worse.

Declan, who is a man of integrity, agreed just to make him happy because he is the pillar behind his empire and success in the business world.

Meanwhile, in the fancy living room.

"He is so late! Stella, your future husband has no respect for the family. He doesn't even have a last name and he doesn't come from a prominent family, no wonder he is acting like a classless mad man”

Clara shouted, taunting her naive and innocent sister who sat quietly like a bunny.


Declan coughed and everyone turned to look at him, they were all sizing him up with judgmental look because his sleeves were rolled up showing his tattoos, they didn’t even care that he heard them insulting him few second ago.

"Sorry I'm late, I had an emergency meeting concerning someone’s health" , Declan said, but Clara started to laugh rudely before he finish speaking.

"You work at the hospital. Isn't that a job that makes you work endlessly like a slave and end up getting paid in Pennies? Stella. I feel sorry for you. Look at your future husband , his beards and unkempt hair, like a jungle man," Clara said laughing, ignoring the angry looks her grandmother was sending her way.

But Stella let out a little gasp because she was shocked when she lifted her head and saw Declan’s face.

"Oh my God! It's you!"

Declan's eyes met hers. There was no hiding the shock. Wasn't she the strange naked woman who he had a one night stand with in the hotel this morning?!

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