3. The Arranged Marriage

Chapter Three

“He looks decent enough, we can manage him as a son In-law of this prestigious family as long as he hides his hideous tattoos and doesn’t do anything to embarrass our rich reputation to the public”

The room fell silent as Grandmother Kingston declared her decision ignoring the daggers Declan and Stella were sending to each other.

“We're having the wedding this Sunday at the church. It will be small low key gathering , just family and close friends to avoid scandals and not to make the public suspect that Stella is only getting married because she is pregnant . The rumors will be bad for the family business."

Stella's mother tried to protest. "Mother, my daughter Stella is a pure virgin. A good girl , I know she is not pregnant and deserves to marry from a rich family or royalty. I think it's too soon to plan the wedding with this homeless and wretched looking man whom I’m sure won’t add any importance or 1 dollars to the family business —"

"No, no one dares to question my decision especially when it’s coming from your grandfather “ the grandmother interrupted firmly, her voice both firm and calm. "I've made up my mind, the wedding will take place “

Stella was so angry that she didn’t say a word or take part in the wedding plans , she spent all week beside her grandfather's sick bed taking good care of him. He seemed very happy and at peace when she told him that Grandma had fixed the wedding between her and Declan so she decided not to follow up with her plan and runaway.

She wanted to beg her grandfather to cancel it but she saw how happy it made him, so she decided to keep quiet because happiness is good for his health.

The wedding day arrived quickly. Stella looked stunning in a simple, elegant white dress even though she looked sad. Her hair was done up beautifully, and her makeup was flawless….she looked so magnetic and pure , like a fairy from heaven.

Yet, her face was cold, her smile forced. The white fabric flowed effortlessly, complementing her figure and the soft curls that framed her face, but the sparkle that should have been in her eyes was missing.

As they stood at the altar, Declan tried to catch her eye, but she deliberately looked away. When they were pronounced husband and wife, the applause that followed seemed to echo too loudly in Stella’s ears, each clapping a reminder of her new, unwanted reality.

“You may kiss the bride “ the priest said but Stella shifted her face and Declan’s kiss landed on her cheeks.

At the reception, Declan leaned close to her. "We're married now, Stella. It’s time we start acting like it."

Stella pulled back, her voice icy as the air around them. "Keep your distance, stay away from me Declan. This is just a formality and you’re still a stranger to me."

Declan frowned but responded with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "You really don’t know who you're dealing with, do you?"

Stella’s eyes narrowed, her patience thinning. "All I see is a man who took advantage of me that night and loves to brag. Nothing more."

Seeing her irritation, Declan’s face hardened, but he decided to let it go for the moment. "I will never harass a woman in my life, I think we were both drunk that night but one day the truth will come

out and you will see that I’m much more than what I appear."

Stella turned away, disinterested and sceptical. She didn’t believe his claims of power and wealth. To her, he was just another overconfident man, trying to impress with words rather than actions.

The celebrations continued, but Stella remained detached, only smiling when absolutely necessary.

The guests danced and laughed, enjoying the lavish party that the grandmother had meticulously organised, Stella was not interested in the decoration besides all people did was talk about business and brag about their money, connection and powerful influence throughout the wedding as if it was a business conference.

The hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and lights, creating a festive atmosphere that is the opposite of Stella’s sad mood.

As the evening wore on, Clara, Stella’s younger sister, came up to them with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Dear newly married couple,Why don’t we take this party to the club downtown? I know a nice place where we can really celebrate since the wedding was an emergency and we didn’t have a bridal shower, plus Declan is too poor to even plan a honeymoon anyway”

Declan looked at Stella, raising an eyebrow in question. "What do you say?"

Stella hesitated, then shrugged. The thought of continuing the celebration wasn’t appealing, but she didn’t want to start a drama knowing how dramatic her sister can be.

"Why not? Let's see how the night goes."

Encouraged by her agreement,Declan nodded, and Clara clapped her hands excitedly.

"Great! It’ll be a blast, you’ll see!"

Despite the rocky start, they ended their wedding day heading to a club to continue the celebration, led by Clara’s eager yet suspicious enthusiasm.

The drive to the exclusive downtown club was quick, the streets lit by the neon lights of the city. Clara chatted throughout the drive, filling the car with her already tipsy voice.

Arriving at the club, the thumping bass of the music could be felt from outside. People lined up, eager to get inside and join the most expensive and luxurious party town.

Clara led the way which shows that she is clearly familiar with the club as she waved cheerily at the bouncer, who let them skip the long line.

Inside, the club was buzzing with energy. Lights flashed in sync with the pounding music, the DJ spinning tracks that kept the dance floor packed. Clara immediately joined a group of friends, disappearing into the crowd.

Stella and Declan found a quieter spot at the bar. Declan ordered drinks, trying once again to break through the ice. "

Stella, we're here now. Let's try to have a good time, at least."

Stella took the drink he offered without saying a word, her fingers brushing against his briefly.

She took a sip, the strong liquor a sharp contrast to her usual preference. "I'm here because of my sister Clara, not because I want to spend time or any second with you. Remember that."

Declan nodded, accepting her words. "I get it. But we’re married now Stella. Whether you like it or not, we have to find a way to make this work."

Stella sighed, her gaze wandering over the lively scene before them. "I don’t need you to remind me, Declan.This is purely a business arrangement. I wonder how much my grandfather paid you for you to agree and marry me ?” She mumbled

He was so shocked and before he could reply Their conversation was interrupted as someone bumped into Stella, jostling her drink. "Watch it!" she snapped, turning to face a man stumbling back, obviously drunk.

"Sorry sexy lady!" the man slurred, grinning foolishly before dancing away into the crowd.

Declan frowned, watching the man disappear. "You okay?"

Stella nodded, setting her now half-empty glass on the bar. "I don’t like going to the club and I hate this marriage because I know that I’m just a scapegoat of some kind of business deal between you and my grandfather so please leave me alone and pretend I don’t exist."

Declan turned to look at his bride . She is no longer wearing her wedding gown , she has changed to a red party mini gown that made her curves look more beautiful and it also made her creamy skin pop out. She has an angelic face but he still wonders why she hates him so much and doesn’t believe anything he says to her.

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