5. Faceslap

Chapter Five

As Declan and Stella moved to a quieter part of the club, a few of Denver's friends who watched the exchange between Declan and Denver, began to mock Declan.

Their voices were loud and their words cut through the noise of the crowd, hurling insults towards him.

"He looks like he should stick to beer, doesn't he?" one of them laughed loudly, catching the attention of nearby partygoers.

"Yeah, can he even afford a sip of the champagne we're drinking?" another added, his tone dripping with disdain.

Declan, overhearing the comments, turned to face them. His expression was calm, but his eyes were sharp. He approached the group, with Stella a step behind, observing quietly.

"You think I can't afford it?" Declan asked, his voice even but loud enough for others around to hear.

"Why don't you buy your own drink then? Show us if you can match what we drink," one of Denver's friends taunted, smirking confidently.

Without responding verbally, Declan pulled out his credit card and signalled to the club's bartender.

"Two bottles of your finest wine, please. Something better than whatever these gentlemen are having."

The bartender confirmed the order. "Sir, that would be the Château Margaux 2009. It’s half a million per bottle."

Declan nodded. "That's fine."

The surrounding crowd fell silent as the bartender processed the transaction. Declan’s card was approved without issue. He signed the receipt and turned back to Denver and his friends.

The bartender brought over the two ornate bottles, setting them down with a flourish on the bar in front of Declan.

Everyone watched, some with open mouths, as Declan began pouring the wine into glasses, offering them to everyone around him—everyone, that is, except Denver.

Denver, feeling the sting of humiliation, could only watch as the expensive wine was shared freely among the guests, his friends included.

They hesitantly accepted the glasses from Declan, their earlier bravado dissolving under the weight of their embarrassment.

As the wine was tasted, murmurs of appreciation filled the air. Declan had not only proved he could afford it but had also turned the situation around, making a public statement without aggression.

Clara felt even more humiliated,angry and embarrassed because her plan failed and it was her and her boyfriend who got embarrassed in front of the whole club.

“I will make your life a living hell” Clara whispered while eyeing her sister with intense envy.

Stella, observing all this, felt a mix of annoyance and indifference. Declan's actions only reinforced her view of him as a show-off, using his wealth to prove a point.

She was not impressed, feeling that this display of wealth was just another form of bragging.

"Seems like you can afford more than just a sip," one of Denver's friends mumbled, looking away from Declan's steady gaze.

Declan just smiled, briefly meeting Stella’s eyes. "It’s just money," he said. "It’s meant to be spent, right?"

Stella turned away, her feelings unchanged. "You enjoy the show," she muttered under her breath.

To her, Declan was just giving her more reason to hate their arranged marriage.

She had always dreamed of marrying for love, not to be married to someone who used money to solve problems or impress others.

The night continued, and while the incident became the talk of the club, with Declan’s generosity noted by many, Stella remained distant.

To her, it was all a performance and certainly didn't appreciate it but she felt like there was something mysterious about Declan.

“Mysterious or not ,I will never allow him to kiss me or even put his hands on my body “ she vowed

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